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发布时间:2018-07-16 11:39
【摘要】:独立学院作为高等教育新的办学形式,对高等教育大众化的推进起到深远的影响。独立学院位于高考制度筛选中的一本、二本之后,排在第三个等级。由于学生高考分数较低,致使就读独立学院学生的生源质量较差。学生学习的特点为:学习动机不强,学习热情不高,学习能力较差,专业知识掌握不扎实等等。但独立学院学生自身的思维具有一定的发散性和创新性,本身具有一定的个性。就发展独立学院而言,改善学生的学习动机是其发展的根本,提高教学质量和更新培养方式是其改革的关键。2010年国家教育部颁布的《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》更是对民办教育的发展起到一定的扶持和激励的作用,这对独立学院未来的发展具有巨大的促进作用。本文从独立学院学生的学习动机出发,分析目前学生学习动机的现状,找出阻碍学生学习的因素,从因素中找出激发学生学习的策略。 本研究以渤海大学文理学院外语系和管理系为研究对象,主要研究的问题包括:独立学院学生的学习动机有哪些?呈现的情况如何?独立学院学生学习具有什么特点?哪些因素能够影响独立学院学生学习动机?激发和改善学生学习动机的策略有哪些?本研究以奥苏泊尔的学习动机为理论基础,根据已有文献和研究进行梳理,形成研究框架。将独立学院学生学习动机分为:内部近景学习动机、内部远景学习动机、外部近景学习动机和外部远景学习动机。根据四个维度编制问卷后,在渤海大学文理学院共发放330份问卷,其中有效问卷为321份。 在通过对问卷进行整理、分析后可以得出,独立学院学生的学习呈现的特点为:滞后性、消极性、多样性、目的性和表现性。学生学习强度一般,但仍存在一些问题。学习兴趣不浓厚、学习不积极主动,学习容易受其他因素影响等等均是独立学院学生学习的弱点。本研究从国家、社会、学校、家庭四个因素出发,对影响独立学院学生学习动机的因素进行梳理,最后从国家、社会、学校、家庭和个人五个角度进行出发,找出激发和改善独立学院学生学习动机的策略,以此促进独立学院学生的学习,最终提高学生的社会竞争力。
[Abstract]:As a new form of higher education, independent colleges have a profound influence on the popularization of higher education. The independent college is in the third rank after one and two in the selection of the college entrance examination system. Because of the low scores of college entrance examination, the quality of students attending independent colleges is poor. The characteristics of students are: learning motivation is not strong, learning enthusiasm is not high, learning ability is poor, professional knowledge is not solid and so on. But the independent college students own thinking has the certain divergence and the innovation, has the certain individuality. As far as the development of independent colleges is concerned, improving students' motivation for learning is fundamental to their development. The key to its reform is to improve the teaching quality and renew the training methods. In 2010, the outline of the National Medium-and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Plan promulgated by the Ministry of Education played an important role in supporting and encouraging the development of private education. This will greatly promote the future development of independent colleges. Based on the students' learning motivation, this paper analyzes the present situation of students' learning motivation, finds out the factors that hinder the students' learning, and finds out the strategies to stimulate the students' learning. This research takes the foreign language department and the management department of the School of Arts and Sciences of Bohai University as the research object. The main research questions include: what are the learning motivation of the students in the independent college? What's happening? What are the characteristics of independent college students' study? What factors can affect the motivation of independent college students? What are the strategies to stimulate and improve students' learning motivation? This study is based on the learning motivation of Supor, and forms a research framework according to the existing literature and research. The learning motivation of independent college students is divided into internal close-range learning motivation, internal prospective learning motivation, external close-range learning motivation and external prospective learning motivation. According to the four dimensions, 330 questionnaires were sent out at the School of Arts and Sciences of Bohai University, of which 321 were valid. Through the analysis of the questionnaire, it can be concluded that the characteristics of independent college students' learning are lag, negativity, diversity, purpose and expressiveness. Students' learning intensity is general, but there are still some problems. The weakness of independent college students is that they are not interested in learning, not active in learning, and easy to be influenced by other factors. This research starts from the four factors of country, society, school and family, and combs the factors that affect the students' learning motivation. Finally, it starts from the five angles of country, society, school, family and individual. Find out the strategies to stimulate and improve the learning motivation of independent college students, so as to promote the learning of independent college students, and ultimately improve the social competitiveness of students.


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