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发布时间:2018-07-16 15:12
【摘要】:随着中国旅游业的快速发展与不断壮大,与之相对应的旅游高等教育也不断发展。在旅游业与旅游高等教育不断发展的今天,中国旅游高等教育要进一步发展,必须要不断吸收和借鉴先进的教学模式和教学理念。随着国内外学者对情境教学模式深入系统地研究,发现情境教学模式对于课程教学具有显著意义。通过创设情境促进学生萌发知识兴趣,使学生积极主动参与到教学活动中,以已有经验或已形成的知识为新知识的生长点,积极构建对新知的正确理解。在知识进一步构造的过程中,培养学生发现问题的意识、发展学生高阶思维活动,养成独立探究的能力。因此,论文在旅游文化课中实施情境教学有助于提升旅游文化课教学效果,从而为中国旅游业培养出更多优秀的旅游人才。 目前,在常规教学模式框架体系下,旅游文化课教学仍存在一些问题,主要包括教师主导课堂教学,学生扮演知识接收器的角色;学生问题探究意识淡薄,自主学习能力有待提高;师生、生生互动较为欠缺,师生情感纽带尚未建立等。论文基于常规教学现状,依据情境教学模式的操作程序,,结合旅游文化课程具体实际,进行情境教学模式的应用设计研究,主要包括教学目标设计、情境教学的步骤创设、课堂教学方法选择、教学效果测评的方法选择,为后文进行情境教学效果测评作以铺垫。在旅游文化课中实施情境教学案例,运用非参与式观察法和深入访谈法获取实施情境教学成效的资料,通过实证分析可以发现,情境教学模式的应用有助于促进教学目标的达成、激发学生学习的积极性、注重以学生为学习的主体、培养学生探究问题的意识和促进师生关系融洽等。 当然,旅游文化课应用情境教学模式开展教学时也存在一些问题,论文针对这些问题提出了一些具有针对性的改善建议,主要包括注意情境课堂的秩序性、教师要做好充足的准备工作等。总之,情境教学模式的实施不仅为旅游文化课程教学模式的未来发展提供新思路,而且提高了旅游文化课的教学质量,使之为旅游业的进步培养更优秀的专业人才。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development and expansion of tourism in China, tourism higher education has been developing. With the continuous development of tourism and tourism higher education, China's tourism higher education must absorb and draw lessons from the advanced teaching mode and teaching idea in order to further develop tourism higher education. With the deep and systematic study of situational teaching model at home and abroad, it is found that situational teaching model has significant significance for curriculum teaching. By creating situations to promote students' interest in knowledge germination, students can actively participate in teaching activities, take the existing experience or formed knowledge as the growth point of new knowledge, and actively construct a correct understanding of new knowledge. In the process of further construction of knowledge, we should cultivate students' awareness of finding problems, develop students' high order thinking activities, and develop the ability of independent inquiry. Therefore, the implementation of situational teaching in tourism culture course will help to improve the teaching effect of tourism culture course, and thus train more excellent tourism talents for Chinese tourism. At present, under the frame system of conventional teaching mode, there are still some problems in the teaching of tourism culture course, mainly including teacher-led classroom teaching, students playing the role of knowledge receiver, weak awareness of student problem inquiry, The ability of autonomous learning needs to be improved, the interaction between teachers and students is deficient, and the emotional bond between teachers and students has not been established. Based on the current situation of conventional teaching, according to the operating procedure of situational teaching mode and combining with the specific reality of tourism culture course, the paper studies the application design of situational teaching model, including the design of teaching objectives and the creation of situational teaching steps. The choice of classroom teaching method and the method of teaching effect evaluation pave the way for the later text to evaluate the effect of situational teaching. In the course of tourism culture, the case study of situational teaching is carried out, and the non-participatory observation method and in-depth interview method are used to obtain the data of the effect of implementing situational teaching. Through empirical analysis, it can be found that, The application of situational teaching model is helpful to promote the achievement of teaching objectives, stimulate students' enthusiasm in learning, pay attention to students as the main body of learning, cultivate students' awareness of exploring problems and promote harmonious relationship between teachers and students. Of course, there are some problems in the application of situational teaching mode in tourism culture teaching. The paper puts forward some suggestions to improve these problems, including paying attention to the order of situational classroom. Teachers should make adequate preparations, etc. In a word, the implementation of situational teaching mode not only provides new ideas for the future development of tourism culture course teaching mode, but also improves the teaching quality of tourism culture course, and makes it cultivate more excellent professional talents for the progress of tourism industry.


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2 周友士;情境认知教学理念探微[J];当代教育科学;2005年19期

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