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发布时间:2018-07-16 19:32
【摘要】:教育首先应关怀人的生命、关注人的价值、关注人性完善,这是教育的终极目的。但现实情境中的教育却在某种程度上,造就着一桩桩生命力的封杀事件,特别是那些已经接受高等教育的大学生,面对各种社会问题、生活问题,他们困惑、迷茫、自暴自弃甚至犯罪、轻生……。这不能不引起人们对现行的教育进行思考。在大学教育中,离生命最近的即做人的工作的高校德育却缺少有关于生命教育的内容,而且在教育理念上过于强调德育对社会的工具性价值,忽视德育对生命的价值,这使得高校德育出现了一些现实的问题。鉴于此,我们必须从根本上重新审视现实教育的应有状态,必须在教育视野中,予生命教育以必要的人文关怀。道德教育因其学科性质的独特性,责无旁贷,理应担起这一重任。 本文采用分析与综合论证相统一的方法梳理了生命教育及生命教育研究的理念论,论证了生命教育融入高校德育的重要性,总结归纳了高校德育中生命教育的现状,分析了生命教育在高校德育中缺失的主要原因,在此基础上有针对性的提出生命教育在高校德育中实践的途径。 本文的主要立意在于将生命教育引入到高校德育中,以解高校德育的现实问题,为高校德育的理论研究提供一个新的方向。将生命教育引入到高校德育中去可以使高校德育回“以人为本”的教育本质,为实现德育的更高层次的目标,发挥德育的强大功能打好基础。实现高校德育教育模式与教育内容的整合与优化,使高校德育改变传统的理念和方式,回归生命的本真,加强对生命的关怀,在对大学生进行生命教育的现实途径上加强高校德育环境的优化、教育的个性化、生活化和幸福化。
[Abstract]:Education should first care about human life, pay attention to the value of human beings, and pay attention to the perfection of human nature. This is the ultimate goal of education. However, in a certain degree, the education in the reality situation brings up a seal of life and death, especially those who have accepted higher education, and are confused and obsessed with all kinds of social problems and life problems. In the university education, the moral education in the university is short of life education, but in the educational concept, it emphasizes the instrumental value of moral education to the society and neglects the price of moral education to life. Value, this makes moral education in Colleges and universities have some practical problems. In view of this, we must fundamentally reexamine the state of the reality of education. We must give life education a necessary humanistic care in the field of education. Moral education should bear this responsibility because of the unique nature of its discipline.
In this paper, the theory of life education and life education is combed with the method of analysis and comprehensive demonstration. The importance of life education into moral education in Colleges and universities is demonstrated. The current situation of life education in college moral education is summarized, and the main reasons for the lack of life education in moral education are analyzed. On this basis, it is pertinent. Put forward the way of life education in the practice of moral education in Colleges and universities.
The main intention of this article is to introduce life education into moral education in Colleges and universities, in order to solve the practical problems of moral education in Colleges and universities, and provide a new direction for the theoretical research of moral education in Colleges and universities. In order to realize the integration and optimization of the mode of moral education and the content of education, the moral education should change the traditional ideas and methods, return the truth of life, strengthen the concern for life, and strengthen the optimization of the moral education environment in college and the individualization of education on the realistic way to the life education of college students. Life and happiness.


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