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发布时间:2018-07-16 22:33
[Abstract]:With the expansion of enrollment in colleges and universities, the number of female students has gradually increased. At present, the number of female students in higher education in our country has occupied half of the college students. In the process of growing up of college girls, the bad ideas such as "learn well, do better than marry well" impact their hearts and minds. The traditional social expectation and self-development personality demand, such as love, family and career, are gradually submerged. Based on the relevant research results, this paper examines the problems existing in the self-strengthening consciousness of female students in colleges and universities, including the increase of self-discrimination, the lack of gender awareness, the weak subjective consciousness, the fear of success, the distortion of values, and so on. The emergence of these problems is mainly due to the fact that the level of social productive forces in our country is not developed enough, that gender awareness has not been fundamentally eliminated, that the allocation of social resources is not reasonable, that the public opinion is misleading, and that the environment and opportunities for college girls are not enough. The influence of individual factors such as quality. To improve the self-improvement consciousness of college girls, efforts should be made from the aspects of the country, society, schools, families and individuals, such as strengthening the education of self-strengthening consciousness of female students in colleges and universities, and raising the enthusiasm of self-strengthening consciousness self-education of college girls. The society and family work together to optimize the environment of self-strengthening education of college girls.


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