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发布时间:2018-07-17 03:37
【摘要】:当前高校毕业生就业日益严峻的背景下,鼓励和引导高校毕业生走向农村,就业于农村,为农村经济建设奉献出力量,是目前我国的一项重大战略决策,也是值得深入研究的课题。高校毕业生的培养是我国迈向人才强国的重要动力,高校毕业生的就业关系到国家和社会的和谐发展与稳定,关系到中华民族的繁荣稳定。然而,近十几年来,由于高等教育的持续扩招;我国人口基数巨大;传统国有企业改革导致下岗失业问题,国际金融危机,影响我国当前高校毕业生就业形势日益严峻。为促进高校毕业生的就业,解决高校毕业生就业难的危机,国家逐渐出台各项就业政策,我国高校毕业生就业政策中包括:“总政策、具体政策、特殊政策”。其中特殊政策主要是指我国现阶段鼓励高校毕业生面向基层和农村就业的各项政策和方针,包括如“大学生村官”政策,“三扶一支”政策、“特岗计划”政策、志愿服务西部的政策等等,从一定意义上来说,这些就业政策的实施很大程度上促进了高校毕业生的就业,但是从实施效果来看,一些政策尤其是高校毕业生农村就业政策有待进一步完善。 2005年,十六届五中全会通过的《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划的建议》中,指出“建设社会主义新农村是我国现代化进程中的重大历史任务”。要按照“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”的要求,坚持从各地实际出发,扎实稳步推进新农村建设。然而农村劳动力文化知识贫乏、素质低、缺乏专业人才,导致农村发展困难重重,进展缓慢,所以为了推动农村社会经济的繁荣发展,迫切需要有素质、有理想、有热情的高校毕业生走向农村、服务农村,扎根于农村。 目前高校毕业生就业政策,面向农村就业政策有着自己的特点,包括政策的服务性质日益曾强、政策覆盖面广、激励性和补偿性并重、注重城乡和谐发展等。本文通过对高校毕业生农村就业政策内容的分类、特点的归纳与整理,通过实证研究高校毕业生农村就业推动政策在整体的影响力,尝试研究我国高校毕业生农村就业政策体系的价值取向,,探析我国高校毕业生农村就业推动政策体系存在的现实问题,并提出完善我国高校毕业生就业政策体系的相关建议。
[Abstract]:Under the background of the increasingly severe employment of college graduates, it is an important strategic decision of our country to encourage and guide college graduates to go to the countryside, to obtain employment in the countryside, and to devote themselves to the rural economic construction. It is also a subject worthy of further study. The cultivation of college graduates is an important driving force for our country to develop into a strong country with talent. The employment of college graduates is related to the harmonious development and stability of the country and society, and to the prosperity and stability of the Chinese nation. However, in the past ten years, because of the continuous expansion of higher education, the huge population base of our country, the problem of laid-off unemployment caused by the reform of traditional state-owned enterprises and the international financial crisis, the employment situation of college graduates in our country is increasingly serious. In order to promote the employment of college graduates and solve the crisis of employment difficulties of college graduates, the state has gradually issued various employment policies. The employment policies of college graduates in China include: "General policy, specific policy, special policy". Among them, special policies mainly refer to various policies and policies that encourage college graduates to face grass-roots and rural employment at the present stage, including the policy of "university student village officials", the "three support and one branch" policy, and the "special post plan" policy. In a sense, the implementation of these employment policies has greatly promoted the employment of college graduates, but from the point of view of the effect of the implementation, Some policies, especially the rural employment policy for college graduates, need to be further improved. In 2005, the CPC Central Committee's proposal on formulating the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development was adopted by the Fifth Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee in 2005. It is pointed out that building a new socialist countryside is an important historical task in the process of modernization of our country. In accordance with the requirements of "production development, rich living, civilized style of the countryside, clean and tidy villages, and democratic management," we must persistently proceed from the reality of various localities and steadily advance the construction of new rural areas in a down-to-earth manner. However, the rural labor force is poor in cultural knowledge, low quality and lack of professional personnel, which leads to the difficulties and slow progress of rural development. Therefore, in order to promote the prosperity of rural social economy, it is urgent to have quality and ideal. Enthusiastic college graduates go to the countryside, serve the countryside, take root in the countryside. At present, the employment policy of college graduates has its own characteristics, including the increasingly strong service nature of the policy, the wide coverage of the policy, the equal emphasis on incentives and compensation, and the emphasis on the harmonious development of urban and rural areas. By classifying the contents of the rural employment policy of college graduates and summarizing and sorting out the characteristics, this paper empirically studies the influence of the rural employment promotion policy of university graduates on the whole. This paper attempts to study the value orientation of the rural employment policy system of college graduates in China, analyzes the practical problems existing in the policy system of promoting the rural employment of college graduates in China, and puts forward some relevant suggestions for perfecting the employment policy system of college graduates in China.


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