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发布时间:2018-07-17 17:26
【摘要】:信息素质作为信息时代的一种必备能力,正日益受到关注。当今,社会已进入到信息网络化时代,面对爆炸式增长的信息,终身学习成为现代人的一种必不可少的技能,因此培养信息素质是人们生存于信息时代的当务之急。如果不能及时、有效地获取自己所需要的信息,,人们就如逆水行舟,寸步难行。 社会的快速发展和信息的不断激增使得终身学习成为现代人的一种必不可少的技能,良好的信息素质是实现终身学习的前提和保证。 本文以新疆高校教师信息素质为调查目标,通过问卷调查和个别访谈相结合的方式进行研究。研究对象选取了新疆地区5个有代表性的高校,对新疆高校教师信息素质进行了系统分析研究,在此基础上构建了新疆高校教师信息素质的培养模式。 希望本人的研究能对新疆高校教师信息素质的提升和整体科研教学水平的提升起到一定作用,并为相关部门在西部大开发、人才培养工作提供相关参考。
[Abstract]:As an essential ability in the information age, information quality is getting more and more attention. Nowadays, society has entered the era of information networking. Facing the explosive growth of information, lifelong learning has become an indispensable skill for modern people. Therefore, it is an urgent task for people to survive in the information age. If you can't get the information you need in time and effectively, you can't get it right. With the rapid development of society and the rapid increase of information, lifelong learning has become an indispensable skill for modern people. Good information quality is the prerequisite and guarantee to realize lifelong learning. This paper aims to investigate the information quality of university teachers in Xinjiang by means of questionnaire survey and individual interviews. Five representative universities in Xinjiang were selected and the information quality of teachers in Xinjiang was systematically analyzed and studied. On the basis of this, the training mode of information quality of teachers in Xinjiang was constructed. I hope my research can play a certain role in improving the information quality of teachers and the overall level of scientific research and teaching in Xinjiang colleges and universities, and provide relevant reference for the relevant departments in the development of the western region, talent training work.


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