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发布时间:2018-07-17 17:47
[Abstract]:For a time, our government has adopted a series of policies to attract more overseas scholars to return to China in order to implement the strategy of strengthening the country by talents. Among them, the "thousand people plan", which was implemented in 2008, is the most powerful project to introduce talents in our country at present, and it has aroused the positive response of overseas Chinese scholars. So far, more than 1000 people have returned from all over the world, most of them to universities and scientific research institutions. What factors dominate the return of the scholars, what are the academic advantages of these scholars after they return, and what challenges the Thousand people Plan faces are the core issues that this paper focuses on.
【作者单位】: 北京大学教育学院;


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1 韩元;让海外人才落地生根[N];人民日报;2008年

2 本报记者 杜军玲;营造吸引海外人才大“磁场”[N];人民政协报;2004年




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