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发布时间:2018-07-18 13:45
【摘要】:校训是学校用简洁而深刻的语言表达出来的教育理念,对内是对师生行为规范的教育和引导,对外是学校文化的鲜明体现。校训具有内隐渐进性、品牌特色性、约束凝聚性和价值导向性等特点,这些特点体现了校训具有隐性的思想政治教育功能。其中包括确立思想政治教育的目标、丰富思想政治教育的内容和创新思想政治教育的形式这几个方面。但是反观现实,高校校训在教育实践中的思想政治教育功能并没有得到充分的发挥,主要原因在于学校对校训本身解读不够、对校训的教育价值认识不到位、中国“官本位”思想的影响,和中国固有的育人模式的制约等。 为了充分认识到校训的思想政治教育功能并使之得以有效发挥,可以从以下四个方面着手:整合校训宣传的各种资源,增强校训宣传工作的科学性;优化教育教学内容设计,增强校训教学工作的合理性;加强学生课外实践活动,提供校训内容外化的源泉;提高学生道德自觉性,实现校训精神内化的效果。
[Abstract]:School motto is an educational concept expressed in concise and profound language. It is the education and guidance of teachers and students' behavior norms and the clear embodiment of school culture. The school motto has the characteristics of implicit gradual, brand characteristic, constraint cohesion and value guidance, which embodies the implicit ideological and political education function of the school motto. It includes establishing the goal of ideological and political education, enriching the content of ideological and political education and innovating the form of ideological and political education. However, on the contrary, the function of ideological and political education of college motto in educational practice has not been brought into full play, the main reason is that the school does not understand the motto itself enough, and the understanding of the educational value of school motto is not in place. The influence of the thought of "official standard" in China, and the restriction of Chinese inherent mode of education, etc. In order to fully realize the ideological and political education function of the school motto and make it play an effective role, we can start from the following four aspects: to integrate all kinds of resources of the school motto propaganda, to enhance the scientific nature of the school motto propaganda work, to optimize the design of the educational teaching content, Strengthening the rationality of the teaching work of the school motto; strengthening the extracurricular practical activities of the students, providing the source of the externalization of the contents of the school motto; improving the moral consciousness of the students and realizing the effect of internalizing the spirit of the school motto.


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