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发布时间:2018-07-20 09:07
【摘要】:随着生产力的不断发展、科学技术的飞速进步,网络覆盖的范围越来越广,网民人数不断攀升。互联网的广泛应用、电脑、手机等网络传播工具的不断普及,加速了互联网的编织进程,渐渐地把世界编织成一张由无线信号构成的大网,同时也在整个社会营造出一种网络情境。如何在网络情境下加强大学生对不良信息的识别能力与抵抗能力,使得大学生这一高校舆情主体在舆情的发生、发展、传播过程中发挥积极作用,如何在网络情境下加强对大学生舆情的监控与引导,,是时代赋予我们的责任,也是本论文研究的中心问题。 本文共分为五个章节。第一章绪论部分,主要包括三个小部分:一是介绍本文的写作背景,二是主要介绍本文所涉及问题的研究现状,三是本文所使用的研究方法和选题意义。第二章主要介绍网络情境的概念及其特征和网络情境对大学生的影响,据此说明在网络情境下进行大学生舆情监控和引导的重要性。第三章主要介绍网络情境下大学生舆情的特点,先从舆情的构成要素着眼,进而分析大学生舆情构成要素的特殊性,从而总结出网络情境下大学生舆情发生和传播的特点,为网络情境下做好大学生舆情监控和引导奠定了理论基础。第四章主要针对网络情境下大学生网络素养问题展开论述,从网络素养的概念和特征入手,进而分析网络情境下培养大学生网络素养的重要性,同时对大学生网络素养现状进行调查研究,指出大学生网络素养的现状和存在问题,为做好网络情境下大学生舆情的监控和引导提供了现实依据。第五章主要介绍如何做好网络情境下大学生舆情监控和引导。本章首先介绍网络情境下大学生舆情监控面临的挑战和重点,进而提出做好网络情境下大学生舆情引导的具体措施。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of productivity and the rapid progress of science and technology, the range of network coverage is becoming wider and wider, and the number of Internet users is rising. With the wide use of the Internet and the continuous popularization of network communication tools such as computers and mobile phones, the weaving process of the Internet has been accelerated, and the world has gradually been woven into a large network of wireless signals. At the same time, it also creates a network situation in the whole society. How to strengthen the students' ability to identify and resist the bad information in the network situation, so that the college students, the main body of public opinion in colleges and universities, play an active role in the process of public opinion, development and dissemination. How to strengthen the supervision and guidance of college students' public opinion under the network situation is the responsibility given by the times and the central issue of this thesis. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which mainly includes three parts: the first is the introduction of the writing background of this paper, the second is the introduction of the research status quo of the problems involved in this paper, the third is the research methods and the significance of the topic. The second chapter mainly introduces the concept of network situation and its characteristics and the influence of network situation on college students, and then explains the importance of monitoring and guiding college students' public opinion under the network situation. The third chapter mainly introduces the characteristics of college students' public opinion under the network situation, and analyzes the particularity of the college students' public opinion elements, then summarizes the characteristics of the college students' public opinion occurring and spreading under the network situation. It lays a theoretical foundation for the supervision and guidance of college students' public opinion under the network situation. The fourth chapter mainly discusses the problem of college students' network literacy under the network situation, starts with the concept and characteristics of the network literacy, and then analyzes the importance of cultivating the university students' network literacy under the network situation. At the same time, the present situation of college students' network literacy is investigated and studied, and the present situation and existing problems of college students' network literacy are pointed out, which provides a realistic basis for the monitoring and guidance of college students' public opinion under the network situation. The fifth chapter mainly introduces how to monitor and guide college students' public opinion. This chapter first introduces the challenges and key points of college students' public opinion monitoring under the network situation, and then puts forward the concrete measures to guide the college students' public opinion under the network situation.


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