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发布时间:2018-07-21 10:05
【摘要】:近年来,安徽省民办高等教育已经成为安徽省高等教育事业的重要组成部分。随着民办高校的发展,民办高校教师队伍建设也在不断探索与完善,民办高校教师的质量是民办高校质量的关键。民办高校教师的专业发展越来越被人所重视,这既是个人发展的需要,也是民办高校教育的需要,更是整个社会的需要。 本文以“安徽省民办高校教师专业发展”为题,在明确研究缘由、意义的基础上,了解学习关于民办高校教师专业发展已有的研究成果,对相关概念进行阐释,选取安徽省较具代表性的6所民办高校作为研究对象,通过设计调查问卷和访谈的形式了解目前安徽省民办高校教师专业发展的情况,表面上主要存在四个方面的问题:教师个人专业发展意识较弱;专业能力和教育理念有待提高;队伍结构不合理、专业发展制度不健全;缺乏教师专业发展的相关机构、教师培训流于形式。经过分析和对表象问题的挖掘,总结出安徽省民办高校教师问题存在的原因,主要从政府、学校和个人三个方面进行阐述:政府层面,主要原因是政府为民办高校教师提供的保障不足,缺乏宏观的政策法规保障民办高校教师专业发展;高校层面,原因包括民办高校准入和评价制度的缺失以及教师培训制度的不完善;个人层面,民办高校教师反思能力不足以及未养成终身学习的习惯。 针对目前安徽省民办高校教师专业发展存在的问题和原因,在查阅大量的资料和研究后,笔者从政府、高校和个人层面提出几点建议:在政府保障层面上,政府应为民办高校教师的合法权益提供外部保障,并为民办高校教师的专业发展提供政策保障;在学校支持层面,民办高校应完善教师的准入与评价制度,完善对民办高校教师的培训,加强与企业的合作并为教师搭建专业发展的平台;从个人努力层面上,个人应增强专业发展的意识,提高教学反思的能力并树立终身学习的观念。
[Abstract]:In recent years, private higher education in Anhui Province has become an important part of the cause of higher education in Anhui Province. With the development of private colleges and universities, the construction of teachers in private colleges and universities is constantly exploring and perfecting. The quality of teachers in private colleges and universities is the key to the quality of private colleges and universities. More and more attention has been paid to the professional development of teachers in private colleges and universities, which is not only the need of individual development, but also the need of private colleges and universities, and the needs of the whole society. Based on the topic of "Professional development of teachers in private colleges and universities in Anhui Province", this paper, on the basis of clear research reasons and significance, understands the existing research results on the professional development of teachers in private colleges and universities, and explains the relevant concepts. This paper selects 6 representative private colleges and universities in Anhui Province as the research object, and finds out the situation of teachers' professional development in private colleges and universities in Anhui Province by designing questionnaires and interviews. On the surface, there are four main problems: the teachers' personal professional development consciousness is weak; the professional ability and educational concept need to be improved; the team structure is unreasonable, the professional development system is not perfect, and the relevant institutions for teachers' professional development are lacking. Teacher training is a mere formality. After analyzing and excavating the problem of appearance, this paper sums up the causes of teachers' problems in private colleges and universities in Anhui Province, mainly from three aspects: the government, the school and the individual: the government, and the individual. The main reasons are that the government provides insufficient protection for teachers in private colleges and universities, and lacks macro policies and regulations to ensure the professional development of teachers in private colleges and universities. The reasons include the lack of admission and evaluation system and the imperfection of teacher training system in private colleges, the lack of reflective ability of teachers in private colleges and universities, and the lack of habit of lifelong learning. In view of the problems and reasons existing in the professional development of teachers in private colleges and universities in Anhui Province at present, after consulting a large amount of information and research, the author puts forward several suggestions from the government, universities and individuals: at the level of government security, The government should provide external protection for the legitimate rights and interests of teachers in private colleges and universities, and provide policy guarantees for the professional development of teachers in private colleges and universities, and at the level of school support, private colleges and universities should improve the admission and evaluation system of teachers. Improve the training of teachers in private colleges and universities, strengthen the cooperation with enterprises and set up a platform for teachers' professional development; from the level of individual efforts, individuals should enhance the awareness of professional development, improve the ability of teaching reflection and establish the concept of lifelong learning.


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