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发布时间:2018-07-21 15:50
[Abstract]:For a long time, the Chinese government has regarded the cause of foreign exchange and cooperation as an important way for the world to understand China, and the education of overseas students in China is an important part of the cause of China's foreign exchange and cooperation. At the same time, it is an important embodiment of China's higher education toward the world and international education. With the great attention of the Communist Party of China and the leaders of the state, under the unified arrangement of the Ministry of Education of China, and under the unified plan of the Ministry of Education of China, the cause of education for overseas students in China is guided by the scientific concept of development in order to "expand the scale, improve the level, and ensure the quality." The principle of "standardized management" has gradually improved the work system of studying abroad in China, trained a large number of scientific and technological, educational, diplomatic and managerial personnel for many countries, especially other developing countries, and laid and consolidated our country's politics with the rest of the world. Diplomatic and economic relations, cultural, educational and personnel exchanges have made positive contributions. At the same time, while studying Chinese science and technology, the foreign students in China have absorbed the broad and profound ideological connotation of the Chinese nation, which is of strategic significance for China to enhance the soft power of the country and realize the great rejuvenation of the whole Chinese nation. Under the new situation of global international integration, it is an inevitable trend to increase the education of foreign students coming to China for educational cooperation and exchanges. At the same time, vigorously developing the education of foreign students in China will enable more and more students to study in China. As a result, in order to make the education work of overseas students in China to adapt to the changing new situation can advance steadily, the education management work of overseas students in China increasingly highlights its importance. This paper describes the history and present situation of the development of foreign students' education in China, combs and summarizes some problems in the management of foreign students' education in China, and discusses the basic contents of education management from the aspects of enrollment, education and teaching. Logistics support and other aspects of the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. This article mainly uses the literature research method, the comparison research method, the investigation research method, the induction research method and so on research method, through the following five chapters to carry on the elaboration: the first chapter mainly introduces the research background and the significance of this article, The second chapter is an overview of the development of foreign students' education in China, expounding the basic elements, evolution and significance of foreign students' education management. The third chapter expounds the basic conditions for the development of foreign students' education in A University; the fourth chapter expounds the problems existing in the management of foreign students' education in A University; the fifth chapter is based on the review of the previous text. This paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures on how to increase the foreign students' education management in A University.


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