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发布时间:2018-07-21 18:35
【摘要】:随着知识经济时代的到来,人才成为决定发展的第一因素,我国经济的发展和社会的进步也越来越需要具有高等教育理论水平的实用型人才,时代赋予的重任不可避免的落到了我国高校的肩上,落到了培养高素质、综合性、实践型人才的高校实践教学上。时代呼唤我国高校的教学改革和对实践教学的重视,,而对于我国高校实践教学的回顾与思考则成为我国高校实践教学发展的铺路石。本文主要以实践教学知行合一的发展规律,马克思主义关于实践的理论、人的全面发展理论和教育与生产劳动相结合的理论,以及中国特色的社会主义理论和教育与社会经济发展的关系理论为依据,尝试性的对我国高校实践教学的情况进行一次系统性的梳理和分析,以期对我国高校实践教学的发展作出一点贡献。 论文主体共分五章:第一章:介绍本文的研究背景,分析关于我国高校实践教学领域的研究现状,提出本文的研究意义和研究方法。第二章:以我国高校实践教学作为研究的关注点,总结实践教学的内涵,分析实践教学的特点,指出实践教学的意义。第三章:以时间为主线,分三个阶段详细回顾实践教学在我国高校中的发展历程。第四章:对我国高校实践教学的发展已取得的成果进行归纳和总结,分析当前我国高校实践教学发展中存在的不足之处。第五章:根据当前我国高校实践教学发展中所存在的问题,针对性的提出几点解决策略,即我国高校实践教学发展的走向。
[Abstract]:With the advent of the era of knowledge economy, talent has become the first factor in determining the development. The development of our economy and the progress of the society are becoming more and more need of practical talents with higher education theory level. The important task endowed by the times inevitably falls on the shoulders of our universities and falls to the training of high quality, comprehensive and practical talents. In the practice teaching of colleges and universities, the times calls for the teaching reform and the attention to the practice teaching in our universities, and the review and thinking of the practice teaching in China's colleges and universities has become the road stone for the development of the practical teaching in China's colleges and universities. This article is mainly based on the law of development of the unity of knowledge and practice in practice teaching, the theory of Marx doctrine on practice, and the comprehensive of people. The theory of development and the theory of combining education with productive labor, as well as the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the theory of the relationship between education and social and economic development, are based on a systematic review and analysis of the practical teaching in China's colleges and universities, in order to make a contribution to the development of practical teaching in China's colleges and universities.
The main body of the thesis is divided into five chapters: Chapter 1: introducing the research background of this article, analyzing the research status of the field of practice teaching in China's colleges and universities, and putting forward the significance and research methods of this paper. The second chapter: Taking the practice teaching of our university as the focus of research, summarizing the connotation of practice teaching, analyzing the characteristics of practical teaching, and pointing out the reality. The third chapter: taking time as the main line and reviewing the development course of practice teaching in China's colleges and universities in three stages. The fourth chapter is to sum up and summarize the achievements of the development of the practice teaching in China's colleges and universities, and to analyze the shortcomings in the current development of the practice teaching in China's colleges and universities. Chapter fifth: according to the situation The problems existing in the development of practice teaching in Colleges and universities in China, and put forward several strategies to solve them, that is, the development trend of practical teaching in Chinese universities.


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