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发布时间:2018-07-21 21:02
【摘要】:劳伦斯·科尔伯格(1927-1987)是美国著名的道德教育家,他精通道德心理学和道德哲学,他的德育理论体系也是当代西方学校德育流派中最负盛名的德育理论之一。科尔伯格理论体系的成型用了他将近30年时间,可谓耗尽其毕生心血,他的理论引起了巨大反响,他也被誉为“现代学校德育”开山之父。科尔伯格20世纪50年代开始整合其德育思想,当时的美国高校过度强调学习科技文化技能,轻视道德教育,经历了一段道德荒凉的时期,社会正处于多元化价值思想相互冲击的环境之下。科尔伯格德育理论在西方产生了广泛强烈的影响,掀起了美国70年代的“道德认知发展教育运动”,在当时得到了政府和教育界的普遍重用,美国高校道德教育由此进入了复兴期。 改革开放之后,我国社会进入急剧转型期,西方多元价值思潮涌入,给高校道德教育工作带来了巨大的挑战。大学生道德失范、违纪违规现象多有发生,学校与学生的不和谐因素也一直存在,不管是高校德育教学工作还是管理工作都遭遇到一定的困难。 笔者认为我国高校德育工作面临的诸多问题与科尔伯格德育理论产生的社会背景有相似之处。笔者希望通过深入剖析科尔伯格德育理论,结合我国目前高校德育的实际情况,提取合理化价值,为新时代下更好地完善高校德育教学和管理工作谏言献策。
[Abstract]:Lawrence Colberg (1927-1987) is a famous American moral educator. He is proficient in moral psychology and moral philosophy. His moral education theory system is also one of the most famous moral education theories in contemporary western schools of moral education. It took him nearly 30 years to form the theoretical system of Colberg, and it can be said that he has exhausted his life's efforts. His theory has caused a huge response, and he is also known as the father of "modern school moral education". Colberg began to integrate his moral education ideas in the 1950s. At that time, American colleges and universities put too much emphasis on learning scientific and technological cultural skills and despised moral education, and experienced a period of moral desolation. The society is in the environment that the pluralistic value thought impinges on each other. Kohlberg's theory of moral education had a wide and strong influence in the West, and set off the "moral Cognitive Development Education Movement" in the United States in the 1970s, which was widely used by the government and education circles at that time. Therefore, moral education in American colleges and universities has entered a period of revival. After the reform and opening up, the society of our country has entered a rapid transition period, and the western multi-value trend of thought has come into being, which has brought great challenges to the moral education work in colleges and universities. College students' moral anomie, violation of discipline and violation of rules often occur, and the disharmonious factors between the school and the students have always existed. Both the moral education teaching work and the management work in colleges and universities have encountered certain difficulties. The author thinks that there are similarities between the problems faced by moral education in colleges and universities in our country and the social background of Colberg's moral education theory. The author hopes that by deeply analyzing Colberg's moral education theory, combining with the actual situation of moral education in colleges and universities in our country at present, we can extract the rational value and offer advice for the better improvement of moral education teaching and management work in colleges and universities in the new era.


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9 郭蓉;;多元化背景下学校德育工作的挑战与机遇[J];教学与管理;2012年18期

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1 刘海涛;科尔伯格道德观初探及启示[D];首都师范大学;2003年




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