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发布时间:2018-07-21 21:42
[Abstract]:There are many functional departments in colleges and universities. The management level of these functional departments has a great influence on the overall quality of colleges and universities. With the continuous progress of the times, the rapid development of information technology and the continuous deepening of the application of information systems, more and more functional departments in colleges and universities have an urgent need to share information and cooperate business across functional domains. However, the actual situation is that the functional departments in colleges and universities have closed their own information resources, and the process of information sharing between departments is very slow. From the perspective of game theory, the author finds that most colleges and universities in our country lack serious planning and design at the top level in the process of school information construction, and most of the functional departments are faced with conflicts of interest to a certain extent because of the division of labor. With the neglect of the cooperative work of the functional departments in the performance appraisal colleges and universities are in the prisoners' dilemma no matter whether their information strength is dominant or at a disadvantage they have to make the strategic choice not to share. Then the author establishes the game model, and concludes that we must rely on the force intervention outside the functional department to break the dilemma of each functional department in reality. Then, according to the result of game analysis, this paper analyzes and finds out the methods that can be adopted by colleges and universities in dealing with these practical dilemmas, and puts forward a scheme of mechanism design to promote the sharing of information resources among the functional departments of colleges and universities.


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