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发布时间:2018-07-22 21:28
【摘要】:校园文化建设对于高校的发展有着举足轻重的作用,而高校学生社团作为学生课外活动的主要载体之一,在活跃校园文化、促进校园精神文明建设方面有着重要地位和作用。但目前的高校学生社团在发展过程中,也遇到了很多的问题和瓶颈,阻碍了校园文化建设。如何改变高校学生社团的发展现状,使其更充分地发挥作用,以此促进校园文化健康良好的发展与建设,成为学者们必须要面对和思考的问题。本文在总结前人或他人已有研究成果的基础上,通过提炼、补充与拓展,以在校大学生和高校学生社团的相关负责人为调查对象,综合运用文献检索、问卷调查、个别访谈等多种研究方法,并对上海市三所高校进行了相关的调查研究和分析工作,试图将理论与实证调查相结合,提出切合实际的、可供操作的在校园文化建设中发挥高校学生社团作用的新举措,以期对校园文化建设提供有益的借鉴。本文共分为绪论和正文四部分: 绪论部分主要论述了本文的选题目的和意义、研究现状以及研究的内容和研究的方法。 第一部分阐述了高校学生社团的概况。从“社团”概念的释义入手,首先,介绍了“社”和“团”的概念,进而衍生和明确了大学生社团的概念。然后,探析了高校学生社团具有独创性与自发性相结合,复合性与松散性相协调,屈从性与认同性相联系,自为性与自控性相维系,多样性与灵活性相融合的特点。最后,系统归纳了目前高校学生社团的五大种类:理论学习型、学术科技型、公益服务型、文体娱乐型和自主创业型。 第二部分探析了高校学生社团在促进校园文化建设中应有的作用。主要从有利于校园文化的繁荣与发展,有利于大学精神的培育,锤炼和形成大学生核心价值观,有利于营造积极向上、宽松和谐的校园文化氛围和有利于为校园文化繁荣与发展注入新活力四个方面展开详细的探讨和解析,以期对高校学生社团应该发挥的作用有详细的了解和体会。 第三部分勾勒了目前高校学生社团在促进校园文化建设中作用发挥的现状及其原因。通过文献查阅、网络资料收集以及对华东师范大学、上海交通大学和复旦大学学生社团的实证调查,总结了已经取得的成绩,揭示了存在的主要问题,并对存在的问题进行了归因分析。目前,很多高校已经在实践中认识到大学生社团的重要性并开展了相关工作,使其在促进校园文化建设中取得了一定的成绩,但在现实的操作过程中仍然存在一些棘手的问题,比如:社团发展不平衡限制了校园文化的群众性和广泛性,社团经费短缺限制了校园文化的高品位和高标准,社团指导不够限制了校园文化的吸引力和感召力,成员自主投入不够限制了校园文化的渗透力和凝聚力等。究其原因,是由于部分高校学生社团发展定位不明确,管理体制及干部培训机制不健全,指导机制不完善,扶持力度不足及社会环境的负面冲击等。 第四部分提出了繁荣校园文化,发挥高校学生社团作用的一些对策和建议。首先,应该加强大学生社团文化的理论引导,为校园文化建设奠定理论基础。其次,要优化大学生社团管理模式,构建支持体系,为校园文化建设提供制度和物质保障。再次,要协调各类大学生社团,建设百花齐放的社团文化,为校园文化多元化的发展提供条件。最后,为了使校园文化建设长期、有效地进行下去,要鼓励大学生社团创新,建设创新进取的社团文化,为校园文化的创新创造良好环境。
[Abstract]:The construction of campus culture plays an important role in the development of colleges and universities. As one of the main carriers of students' extracurricular activities, college students' Association plays an important role in active campus culture and promoting the construction of campus spiritual civilization. However, the current college student community has also encountered many problems in the process of development. The bottleneck has hindered the construction of campus culture. How to change the status quo of the development of College Students' Association and make it more full play its role in order to promote the healthy development and construction of campus culture has become a problem that scholars must face and think. Development, taking the related person in charge of college students and college students' Association as the investigation object, using literature search, questionnaire survey, individual interview and other research methods, and carried on the related investigation and analysis work to three universities in Shanghai, trying to combine theory with empirical investigation, put forward practical and available for operation. The new measures to play the role of College Students' community in the construction of campus culture in order to provide useful reference for the construction of campus culture. This paper is divided into four parts: introduction and text.
The introduction mainly discusses the purpose and significance of this topic, the current situation of the study, the contents and methods of the research.
The first part expounds the general situation of college student associations. Starting with the definition of the concept of "community", first, it introduces the concept of "society" and "group", and then derives and clarifies the concept of College Students' Association. Then, it analyses the combination of originality and spontaneity, coordination with looseness, subordination and recognition in college student associations. Homosexual links, self control and self-control, diversity and flexibility of the integration of characteristics. Finally, a systematic induction of the current five categories of college student associations: theoretical learning, academic science and technology, public service, style and entertainment and independent entrepreneurship.
The second part analyzes the role of college student associations in promoting the construction of campus culture. It is beneficial to the prosperity and development of campus culture, which is beneficial to the cultivation of university spirit, to forge and form the core values of college students, and to create a positive, harmonious and harmonious campus culture atmosphere and to be propitious to the prosperity of campus culture. With the development of new vitality into four aspects of detailed discussion and analysis, in order to have a detailed understanding and understanding of the role played by college student associations.
The third part outlines the current status and reasons of the role of college student associations in promoting the construction of campus culture. Through literature review, network data collection and the empirical investigation of East China Normal University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Fudan University student associations, the achievements have been summed up and the main problems are revealed. At present, many colleges and universities have already realized the importance of College Students' Association and carried out relevant work in practice so that they have achieved certain achievements in promoting the construction of campus culture, but there are still some difficult problems in the practical operation process, such as the imbalanced limit of the development of the community. The mass and universality of campus culture are made. The shortage of funds in the community limits the high grade and high standard of campus culture. The guidance of community guidance is not limited to the attraction and Inspiration of campus culture. The independent input of members limits the penetration and cohesion of campus culture. The reason is that the development of some college student associations is determined. Unclear position, imperfect management system and cadre training mechanism, imperfect guidance mechanism, insufficient support and negative impact on social environment.
The fourth part puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for the prosperity of campus culture and the role of College Students' associations. First, we should strengthen the theoretical guidance of College Students' community culture and lay a theoretical foundation for the construction of campus culture. Secondly, we should optimize the management model of College Students' associations and build a supporting system to provide system and material protection for the construction of campus culture. Thirdly, we should coordinate all kinds of College Students' associations and build the community culture of all kinds of flowers to provide conditions for the development of campus culture diversification. In the end, in order to make the construction of campus culture in a long and effective way, we should encourage the innovation of College Students' associations, build an innovative and enterprising social culture, and create a good environment for the innovation of campus culture.


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