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发布时间:2018-07-23 07:36
【摘要】:随着改革开放和我国社会主义市场经济体制逐步确立,人们的价值观发生了深刻变化。社会道德作为人们参与社会生活、处理人际关系的行为准则,作用正变得越来越突出。教育是国家发展前进的基业,高校道德教育在新时期“以德治国”的治世谋略中起着举足轻重的作用。尤其是伴随着世界政治经济格局变化和国家发展目标的需要,高校道德教育的作用愈来愈重要。改变中国高校传统的教育理念,形成与社会相呼应的道德教育理念和运作体系,是加强我国高校道德教育的当务之急。针对我国当前高校德育中存在问题,加强对道德教育实施途径的探索研究,,是实现这一目标的必由之路。高校道德教育的实施途径、目标、方式手段等也因各国的文化背景、经济环境和教育体制不同而各具特征,对一些国家的教育规律、认知规律等方面进行比较性分析,可以让我们博采众长,为我国高校德育工作研究提供借鉴。 加拿大是目前世界上的发达国家之一,该国高校道德教育在长期教学实践中积累了丰富的经验,形成了一些符合现代教育理念的有效做法。这是全人类共有的教育经验和文明成果,我们应积极学习、借鉴、吸收,当然,由于社会制度的不同,在学习借鉴的过程中,我们应从我国的国情实际出发,吸取其精华,剔除其糟粕,从与加拿大的对比中获取有益启发,真正探索出一条有中国特色的高校德育之路。 深入学习、分析、研究和反思加拿大的高校道德教育实施途径特色,对于推进全球化大背景下我国高校德育的发展和全民道德素养的提升具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。本文对加拿大高校道德教育的实施途径进行了详尽的调查分析,提出了对我国现有的高校德育体制改革的建议。本论文共分为四个部分:第一章是引言部分,简单概述了我国与加拿大道德教育实施途径的研究现状与研究意义。第二章分别从历史角度对加拿大高校道德教育的形成过程进行阐述,对加拿大高校现有的道德教育实施途径进行分析,即常规课程、校园文化、日常生活、社会环境、社会实践和宗教活动的渗透。第三章总结说明加拿大高校道德教育的成功经验与面临的挑战。第四章根据调查研究得到的经验与挑战,对我国的高校道德教育实施途径提出意见与建议。
[Abstract]:With the reform and opening up and China's socialist market economy system gradually established, people's values have undergone profound changes. As a code of conduct for people to participate in social life and deal with interpersonal relations, social morality is becoming more and more prominent. Education is the foundation of national development, and moral education in colleges and universities plays an important role in the strategy of "governing the world by virtue" in the new period. Especially with the change of world political and economic pattern and the need of national development goal, the role of moral education in colleges and universities is becoming more and more important. It is urgent to change the traditional educational idea of Chinese colleges and universities and form the moral education idea and operation system which is in harmony with the society. In view of the existing problems in moral education in colleges and universities in our country, it is the only way to realize this goal to strengthen the exploration and research on the implementation of moral education. The ways, objectives, ways and means of implementing moral education in colleges and universities also have their own characteristics according to the cultural background, economic environment and educational system of different countries. This paper makes a comparative analysis of the educational and cognitive laws of some countries. We can learn from all kinds of people and provide reference for the study of moral education in colleges and universities in our country. Canada is one of the developed countries in the world at present. Moral education in colleges and universities in Canada has accumulated rich experience in the long term teaching practice and formed some effective practices which accord with the modern educational idea. This is the educational experience and the fruits of civilization shared by all mankind, and we should actively study, learn from, absorb, and, of course, because of the different social systems, in the process of learning and drawing lessons, we should proceed from the actual conditions of our country and absorb its essence. By removing the dross and obtaining useful inspiration from the comparison with Canada, we can really explore a way of moral education with Chinese characteristics in colleges and universities. It is of great theoretical value and practical significance to study, analyze, study and reflect on the characteristics of moral education in Canadian colleges and universities in Canada. It is of great theoretical value and practical significance to promote the development of moral education in colleges and universities and the promotion of moral literacy of all people in our country under the background of globalization. This paper makes a detailed investigation and analysis on the implementation of moral education in Canadian colleges and universities, and puts forward some suggestions on the reform of moral education system in colleges and universities in China. This thesis is divided into four parts: the first chapter is the introduction, which briefly summarizes the research status and significance of the implementation of moral education in China and Canada. The second chapter expounds the forming process of moral education in Canadian universities from the historical point of view, and analyzes the existing ways of implementing moral education in Canadian colleges and universities, that is, regular curriculum, campus culture, daily life, social environment, etc. The infiltration of social practice and religious activities. Chapter three summarizes the successful experiences and challenges of moral education in Canadian colleges and universities. In the fourth chapter, according to the experience and challenge obtained from the investigation and research, the author puts forward some suggestions and suggestions on the implementation of moral education in colleges and universities in China.


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