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发布时间:2018-07-23 08:28
[Abstract]:With the arrival of the era of economic globalization and the rapid development of our socialist market economy, what we are facing is no longer simply the development of science and technology and the promotion of human material civilization. One-sided emphasis on economic development makes people's ideological and moral quality decline day by day. College students of science and engineering are an important force in the construction of socialist modernization in China. Whether they can be trained into high-quality talents with all-round development is of great importance to the future and destiny of our country. In the face of the increasingly fierce social competition and employment pressure, science and engineering teachers in colleges and universities pay attention to the study of professional knowledge and neglect the cultivation of students' ideological, political and moral quality. As a result, science and engineering students and teachers themselves have low humanistic knowledge level and humanistic practical ability. Therefore, it is an important task for higher education to probe deeply into the present situation of science and engineering teachers' exerting the function of ideological and political education and to explore how to improve the effective countermeasures of how to improve the function of ideological and political education of science and engineering teachers in colleges and universities. This paper mainly discusses the problems of teachers of science and engineering in giving play to the function of ideological and political education, drawing on the relevant theoretical achievements at home and abroad, using the methods of literature analysis, questionnaire investigation, theoretical research, etc. Taking the students of science and engineering in Northeast University as the object of the questionnaire and obtaining the primary data, this paper probes into the function of the ideological and political education of the teachers of science and engineering from the perspective of the present situation of the ideological, political and moral quality of the college students of science and engineering. The causes are summarized and effective countermeasures are put forward. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part systematically discusses the content of ideological and political education function and the importance and particularity of science and engineering teachers to play ideological and political education. The second part of the questionnaire, through the investigation of science and engineering students, to understand the current situation of the ideological and political quality of science and engineering students and the college moral education professional team in the process of ideological and political education may be blind spots. Finally, the paper discusses the present situation of science and engineering teachers' exerting the function of ideological and political education and the students' expectation from the point of view of students. The third part puts forward how to improve the function of ideological and political education of science and engineering teachers from four angles: the idea of university, the mechanism of university, the full-time team of colleges and universities and the teachers of science and engineering in colleges and universities.


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