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发布时间:2018-07-23 07:43
【摘要】:当前,我国正处于各类社会问题和矛盾的多发期,亟待加强社会建设和管理创新。建设安定有序、生动和谐的社区环境,是加强和改善社会管理的重要组成部分,不仅有利于促进社会的安定繁荣,也是提高人民生活质量的战略举措,,同时是中央从党和国家事业发展全局出发确定的一项重大战略任务。在今年全国“两会”上,涉及社会管理和建设方面的提案达460件之多,社会管理创新成两会最热门的话题之一。社区作为居民自治的基层组织,是社会管理理论和实践创新的源泉。社区建设是社会管理创新的切入点和具体实践,是加强和改善民生的基础工程,高校社区是社区整体建设的重要组成部分,加强高校社区的建设和管理,对提升高校教师生活幸福感,提供工作和学习保障,提高社区整体建设水平具有重要现实意义,是促进和谐社会建设的基础和前提。 我党把教育放在优先发展的战略地位。党的十八大报告再次强调教育是中华民族振兴和社会进步的基石,要努力办好人民满意的教育。高校社区作为高等教育工作者生活、休息、交流、研究的基本场所,加强高校社区的建设对于完善社会管理,提高高等教育质量和高校管理水平具有十分重要意义。目前社区建设受到普遍关注,但是高校社区建设的关注度则相对较弱,有针对性的把高等院校社区作为研究对象,并进行案例分析的研究更是凤毛麟角。因此,对高等院校社区建设与管理的研究成为十分必要和相当紧迫的课题。本选题拟在高等学校社区建设与管理方面进行初步的研究,以期起到抛砖引玉的作用。 本论文以武汉市洪山区部分高校社区建设为例,对我国当前高校社区建设进行初步的探索和分析。从“问题”出发,按照“解剖麻雀”的办法和“逐步深入”的思路加以展开,将文章分为五大部分,主要内容如下: 第一章为绪论部分,该部分首先阐述问题的提出和研究意义;然后对国内外相关文献进行综述;在此基础上拟定本文的研究思路和研究方法,并对相关概念进行界定。 第二章以中国特色社会主义理论体系为指导,重点论述“高校发展与国家强盛、高校平安与社会稳定、高校社区和谐与高校事业兴旺”三个方面的相互关系,以期为本研究提供更为具体的理论基础与实践支撑。 第三章概括武汉市洪山区高校社区建设的基本情况及做法,总结其已取得的主要成绩及成功经验,并以华中科技大学作为成功案例,深入解读其取得当前成绩的关键因素。 第四章分析和归纳高校社区建设存在的主要问题,虽然部分高校社区建设取得了一定的成绩,但由于种种原因还是存在着诸多问题,例如在高校社区和政府主管部门之间,职责划分不明晰,使得政府职能、高校职能和社区居委会职责相混淆,高校社区管理权属不确定;其次,高校社区内部管理有待加强和完善;最后,高校社区软硬件建设不足,高校教师住房的问题,医疗设施建设的问题,以及高校社区文化建设系统谋划不足的问题等都亟待加以解决。。 第五章根据高校社区建设存在的突出问题提出相应的对策建议。
[Abstract]:At present, China is in a period of various social problems and contradictions, and it is urgent to strengthen social construction and management innovation. Building a stable and orderly, lively and harmonious community environment is an important part of strengthening and improving social management. It is not only conducive to the promotion of social stability and prosperity, but also a strategic measure to improve the quality of life of the people, and it is also a strategic measure to improve the quality of life of the people. The Central Committee is a major strategic task determined by the overall development of the party and the state. In this year, there are more than 460 proposals on social management and construction in the "two sessions" of the whole country. The innovation of social management has become one of the hottest topics in the two sessions. As the basic organization of the residents' autonomy, the community is the innovation of the theory and practice of social management. Community construction is the starting point and concrete practice of social management innovation. It is the basic project to strengthen and improve the livelihood of the people. The community of colleges and universities is an important part of the whole community construction, strengthening the construction and management of the community of colleges and universities, improving the sense of happiness of College Teachers' life, providing work and learning guarantee, and improving the overall construction level of the community. It has important practical significance and is the basis and premise for promoting the construction of a harmonious society.
The party's eighteen major reports again emphasize that education is the cornerstone of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the social progress, and we should try to make a good education for the people. The community of higher education is the basic place for higher education workers to live, rest, communicate and study, and to strengthen the construction of the community of colleges and universities to improve the society. It is of great significance to manage, improve the quality of higher education and the management level of colleges and universities. At present, community construction has been widely concerned, but the attention degree of community construction is relatively weak. The research on construction and management has become a very necessary and urgent subject. This topic is intended to carry out a preliminary study on the construction and management of the community of colleges and universities, in order to play an important role.
Taking the community construction of some colleges and universities in Hongshan District of Wuhan as an example, this paper makes a preliminary exploration and analysis of the current university community construction in China. Starting from the "problem", the article is divided into five parts according to the method of "anatomic sparrow" and "gradually deepening", and the main contents are as follows:
The first chapter is the introduction part, which first expounds the issue and the significance of the research, and then summarizes the relevant literature at home and abroad; on the basis of this, we draw up the research ideas and methods of this paper, and define the related concepts.
The second chapter, guided by the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, focuses on the relationship between the three aspects of "university development and national prosperity, safety of universities and social stability, community harmony in Colleges and universities and the prosperity of colleges and universities", in order to provide a more specific theoretical foundation and practical support for this study.
The third chapter summarizes the basic situation and practice of community construction in Hongshan District of Wuhan, summarizes the main achievements and successful experiences, and takes Huazhong University of Science and Technology as a successful case, and deeply interprets the key factors of its achievement.
The fourth chapter analyzes and summarizes the main problems of community construction in Colleges and universities. Although some achievements have been made in the construction of some colleges and universities, there are still many problems due to various reasons. For example, the division of responsibility is not clear between the university community and the government department, which makes the function of the government, the function of the University and the responsibility of the neighborhood committee. Secondly, the internal management of the university community needs to be strengthened and perfected. In the end, the construction of college community software and hardware, the problem of College Teachers' housing, the construction of medical facilities, and the problems of the construction of the community culture construction system are urgently needed to be solved.
The fifth chapter puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions according to the outstanding problems existing in the construction of university community.


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