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发布时间:2018-07-23 19:52
【摘要】:个人想要获取竞争优势的动力来源于情绪、情感,对于个体来说,情绪、情感就是一种资本。在企业、学校以及其他组织中,情感资本在个体的智力和知识的发挥以及内在素质的提高中有着重要的作用。资本是能够为个人带来价值的,所以它强调的是关于个体如何能够使用情感资本,因此,,在当代大学生教育机制中引入情感资本的概念,并挖掘大学生所拥有的情感资本,利用情感资本为大学生价值观教育服务,使他们的知识、信念、价值观都朝着最崇高的目标发展。从情感资本与价值观的关系来看,个人情绪、情感的变化可能会诱导、转移、强化人对外界事物的价值评价,改变某种价值需要,因此,高校教育工作者要充分认识到情感资本在大学生价值观教育中的作用,同时,在情感资本视域下进行大学生价值观教育工作也是十分有必要的。 本文首先对情感资本的概念、发展历程、功能特征以及大学生价值观和大学生价值观教育的概念、演变以及情感资本与价值观的关系予以阐述;然后采用问卷调查的方法,获得第一手资料,通过数据分析,得出大学生情感资本的现状以及情感资本对大学生价值观教育中的影响;紧接着针对情感资本对大学生价值观教育的影响,提出了情感资本视域下大学生价值观教育的应对策略。最后本文还立足于当前的现状展望了情感资本理论在大学生价值观教育研究中的未来指向。 本文最大的创新点是从情感资本视域对大学生价值观教育进行系统的研究,这是一个全新的视角和方式,给大学生价值观教育工作带来了新的挑战和机遇。全文研究旨在开阔大学生价值观教育视角,探寻大学生价值观教育中情感资本的作用,使个人的情绪、情感成为大学生价值观教育中的推动性力量。
[Abstract]:The motive force that individual wants to gain competitive advantage comes from emotion, emotion is a kind of capital to individual. In enterprises, schools and other organizations, emotional capital plays an important role in the development of individual intelligence and knowledge, as well as the improvement of internal quality. Capital can bring value to the individual, so it emphasizes on how the individual can use emotional capital. Therefore, the concept of emotional capital is introduced into the educational mechanism of contemporary college students, and the emotional capital owned by college students is excavated. The use of emotional capital to serve the value education of college students, so that their knowledge, beliefs, values are developed towards the highest goal. From the perspective of the relationship between emotional capital and values, the change of individual emotion and emotion may induce, transfer, strengthen the value evaluation of external things, change some value needs, therefore, College educators should fully realize the role of emotional capital in the education of college students' values and at the same time, it is very necessary to carry out the work of value education of college students from the perspective of emotional capital. In this paper, the concept, development course, functional characteristics of emotional capital and the concept, evolution and relationship between emotional capital and value education of college students are described, and then the method of questionnaire survey is used to investigate the relationship between emotional capital and values. Obtain first-hand information, through data analysis, get the current situation of college students' emotional capital and the impact of emotional capital on the value education of college students; then, the impact of emotional capital on the value education of college students, This paper puts forward the countermeasures of college students' value education under the view of emotional capital. Finally, based on the current situation, this paper looks forward to the future direction of emotional capital theory in the study of college students' value education. The greatest innovation of this paper is to systematically study the value education of college students from the perspective of emotional capital, which is a new angle of view and a way, which brings new challenges and opportunities to the work of value education of college students. The purpose of this paper is to broaden the perspective of value education of college students, to explore the role of emotional capital in value education of college students, and to make individual emotion and emotion become the driving force in value education of college students.


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