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发布时间:2018-07-26 08:41
【摘要】:自1999年高校后勤社会化改革正式开展以来,经过13年的积极实践和探索,大多数高校的后勤管理体制和运行模式都发生转变,基本上实现了后勤服务与学校的规范化剥离,组建甲乙方管理体制,顺利完成改革要求的第一步。 高校后勤社会化改革现正处于攻坚阶段,全国高校中,甲乙方管理体制是运用最为广泛的管理模式,是社会化改革路上重要的过渡阶段,通过分设甲方和乙方的模式共同管理后勤项目,以合同和协议为工作准绳,行使各自的权利和义务,共同服务于高校。甲乙方管理体制具有改革平缓、掌控简易的优势,是为适应我国基本国情和高校真实发展情况而实施的改革模式,是现阶段我国高校后勤社会化改革采用的主流模式,在我国高校这块土地上“茁壮成长”。实践证明,甲乙方管理体制具有的强大生命力,对高校后勤服务质量的提升起重要作用,但在具体实施过程中,受多种因素的制约和影响,甲乙方管理体制的建设并不彻底,甲乙方管理体制的问题和矛盾逐渐凸显,不少高校存在甲乙双方关系紧张,不协调的问题,甲方对乙方的监管体系不完善,甲方和乙方的关系建设成为高校后勤改革中的重要部分,这也是本文的主要论述内容。 本文主要从高校后勤社会化改革的大背景入手,主要分析了高校后勤社会化改革中存在的问题和弊端,重点是对甲乙方管理体制的类型、特点、出现的问题和如何提升管理效能进行阐述,通过案例分析和实际相结合,力争能够建立一套可行性较强的、高效的后勤服务体系。可能存在的创新:对甲乙方管理体制的分析,,分析现存问题和弊端并提出改善措施。文中提出了在我国高校后勤工作中提升甲乙方管理效能的有关对策建议,提出要建设新型的甲乙方关系,合理确定甲乙方工作职责与定位,加强制度建设,理顺经济关系,树立协作意识,增进相互了解。要坚持社会效益优先,兼顾经济效益。要加强专业监督,打造高素质的监督队伍,建设全面科学的监督考核体系,要制定和完善实施分项目考核体系,对后勤中住宿、绿化、环境、医疗卫生、车辆、交通、道路、供水、供电、垃圾处理等项目管理,制定相关的服务规范、质量评价指标和考核标准,完善监督和管理制度,并充分发挥群众监督的作用。要优化外部环境,发挥政府的统筹主导作用,加强政策指导,发挥主导作用,健全法律法规,完善相关配套政策,加大经费的投入和支持。学校加强对后勤工作的支持和指导,承担政策执行者的重任,平衡甲乙方关系,淡化行政手段,使用市场手段进行宏观调控,剥离经营权和所有权,明晰后勤产权,鼓励师生参与后勤服务和管理。吸纳社会资源提高后勤服务质量,采用BOT模式吸收社会资金,推进后勤基础设施建设,利用社会力量,促进后勤服务质量改善,期望对优化我国高校后勤甲乙方管理模式改革具有现实的意义。
[Abstract]:After 13 years of active practice and exploration, the logistic management system and operation mode of most colleges and universities have been changed since the formal reform of the socialization of logistics in colleges and universities in 1999, and the standardization of logistics services and schools has basically been realized. Set up Party A Party B management system, successfully complete the first step of the reform requirements. The reform of logistics socialization in colleges and universities is now in the critical stage. In the national colleges and universities, the management system of Party A is the most widely used management mode, and it is an important transitional stage on the road of socialized reform. Through the division of Party A and Party B's mode of joint management of logistics projects, contracts and agreements as the working criteria, exercise their respective rights and obligations, common service to colleges and universities. The management system of Party A and Party B has the advantages of smooth reform and simple control. It is a reform model to adapt to the basic conditions of our country and the real development of colleges and universities, and is the mainstream mode adopted in the socialization reform of logistics in colleges and universities in our country at the present stage. "thrive" on the land of colleges and universities in our country. Practice has proved that the strong vitality of Party A Party B's management system plays an important role in improving the quality of logistics service in colleges and universities. However, in the concrete implementation process, the construction of Party A Party B's management system is not thorough due to the restriction and influence of many factors. The problems and contradictions of Party A and Party B's management system gradually become more and more prominent. Many colleges and universities have the problems of tense and uncoordinated relations between Party A and B, and Party A's supervision system for Party B is not perfect. The relationship between Party A and Party B has become an important part of logistics reform in colleges and universities, which is also the main content of this paper. This article mainly starts with the background of the socialization reform of university logistics, mainly analyzes the problems and disadvantages existing in the reform of university logistics socialization, and focuses on the types and characteristics of Party B's management system. The existing problems and how to improve the efficiency of management are expounded. Through case analysis and practical combination, we can establish a set of feasible and efficient logistics service system. Possible innovations: analysis of Party A Party B's management system, analysis of existing problems and drawbacks, and proposed improvement measures. This paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to improve the management efficiency of Party A and Party B in the logistics work of colleges and universities in our country, and puts forward that it is necessary to build a new type of relationship between Party A and Party B, reasonably determine the duties and positions of Party A and Party B, strengthen the construction of the system, and straighten out the economic relationship. Establish a sense of cooperation and enhance mutual understanding. Social benefits should be given priority and economic benefits should be taken into account. It is necessary to strengthen professional supervision, build a high-quality supervisory team, build a comprehensive and scientific supervision and assessment system, formulate and improve the implementation of the sub-project assessment system, and provide accommodation, greening, environmental protection, medical and health care, vehicles, transportation, roads, Water supply, power supply, garbage disposal and other projects should be managed, and relevant service standards, quality evaluation indexes and assessment standards should be formulated, supervision and management system should be perfected, and the role of mass supervision should be brought into full play. It is necessary to optimize the external environment, give play to the leading role of the government as a whole, strengthen policy guidance, play a leading role, perfect laws and regulations, perfect relevant supporting policies, and increase the input and support of funds. The school strengthens the support and guidance to the logistics work, undertakes the responsibility of the policy executor, balances the relationship between Party A and Party B, desalinizes the administrative means, uses the market means to carry on the macroscopic control, deletes the management right and the ownership, clarifies the logistic property right, Encourage teachers and students to participate in logistics services and management. We should absorb social resources to improve the quality of logistics services, adopt BOT model to absorb social funds, promote the construction of logistics infrastructure, utilize social forces, and promote the improvement of the quality of logistics services. It is expected to be of practical significance to optimize the reform of Party B's management mode in colleges and universities.


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