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发布时间:2018-07-27 17:59
[Abstract]:As a new concept of social civilization, ecological civilization has abandoned the value concept of taking man as the center completely, and advocated the view of development of restricting and controlling human behavior, so as to view the relationship between man and nature in a more long-term view. Human beings and their living environment as well as the development of human and social integration. It is very important to carry out ecological civilization education in colleges and universities. In theory, college students should establish the moral obligation of caring for nature, establish the intergenerational consciousness of caring for the future, develop the consumption concept of ecologicalism, and reform the content of education in practice. Integrating the ecological civilization education into the curriculum system, constructing the campus and social ecological education environment, and carrying out the ecological culture construction activities actively and effectively, in order to realize the college students' full understanding of the ecological civilization education. Improve the ecological civilization literacy of contemporary college students.
【作者单位】: 北京大学校长办公室;


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