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发布时间:2018-07-28 16:17
【摘要】:大学作为人才培养的重要基地,承担着对大学生进行思想政治教育的重任。高校思想政治教育的内容包括对学生进行世界观教育、人生观教育、政治观教育、道德观教育等,实践活动是人们形成科学的世界观、人生观、政治观、道德观的必由之路,对培养受教育者的思想品德具有极其重要的作用。而当前高校思想政治教育过程中一方面存在重理论轻实践、重知识传授轻能力培养的问题;另一方面,存在实践育人路径虽然多样,但针对性不强的状况。这在一定程度上会造成学生知行不统一、理论与实践相分离,直接影响着高校思想政治教育效果的实现与强化。 本论文着眼于这一现实,立足于大学生成长规律和思想品德形成规律,运用文献研究法和问卷调查法,从受教育者的角度调查了高校思想政治教育实践育人路径现状,在此基础上提出了路径优化的对策。 第一部分对相关概念进行了界定,论述了论文的研究背景、研究意义和相关研究综述,简要概述了论文的研究方法及创新点。 第二部分论述了实践育人理念确立的理论依据、历史审视和现实考察,即以马克思主义关于人的全面发展理论、马克思主义认识论、马克思主义关于教育与生产劳动相结合理论为理论依据。笔者还从历史的角度加以审视,对不同历史时期的教育方针进行了梳理,再回到现实加以考察,提出实践育人是全面贯彻教育方针的必然要求,是实施素质教育的题中之义。 第三部分通过问卷调查的方法,从受教育者的角度调查了某高校思想政治教育实践育人路径的现状。主要考察了大学生对思想政治教育实践育人的认知、思想政治理论课实践教学、社会实践、军事训练和大学生对高校思想政治教育实践育人的评价等五个方面的内容。 第四部分是高校思想政治教育实践育人路径优化的对策分析。提出了高校思想政治教育实践育人路径优化必须坚持的四个原则,即主体性原则、协同性原则、系统性原则、理论联系实际原则。从建立舆论宣传平台、加强学生认知;构建全员参与机制、尊重学生主体性;构建专业化整合模式、形成育人合力;打造专业实践平台、注重能力培养;加强实践教学环节、深化理论认识;加强军事训练、形成良好作风;加强考核管理、建立评价体系;拓展实践基地、健全保障机制等方面提出了实践育人路径优化的对策。
[Abstract]:As an important base for the cultivation of talents, universities undertake the important task of ideological and political education for college students. The contents of ideological and political education in colleges and universities include the education of world outlook, outlook on life, education of political outlook, education of morality and so on. Practical activities are the only way for people to form a scientific world outlook, outlook on life, political outlook and morality. It plays an extremely important role in cultivating the ideological and moral character of the educated. In the process of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, on the one hand, there is the problem of attaching importance to theory and practice and knowledge over ability cultivation; on the other hand, there are many ways of practical education, but the pertinence is not strong. To a certain extent, this will result in the disunity of students' knowledge and practice, and the separation between theory and practice, which will directly affect the realization and strengthening of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. This paper focuses on this reality, based on the law of college students' growth and the law of ideological and moral formation, using the method of literature research and questionnaire survey, from the perspective of the educatee to investigate the current situation of ideological and political education practice education path in colleges and universities. On this basis, the countermeasures of path optimization are put forward. The first part defines the related concepts, discusses the research background, research significance and related research review, briefly summarizes the research methods and innovation points of the paper. The second part discusses the theoretical basis of the establishment of the concept of practical education, historical examination and realistic investigation, that is, Marxist epistemology based on the theory of the all-round development of human beings, the theory of Marxist epistemology, and the theory of Marxist epistemology. Marxist theory on the combination of education and productive labor is the theoretical basis. From the perspective of history, the author combed the educational policy in different historical periods, and then went back to reality to investigate it, and put forward that the practice of educating people is the inevitable requirement of carrying out the educational policy in an all-round way, and it is the meaning of carrying out quality-oriented education. The third part investigates the current situation of ideological and political education practice in a certain university from the angle of educatee through the method of questionnaire survey. This paper mainly studies the cognition of college students to the practice of ideological and political education, the practical teaching of ideological and political theory, social practice, military training and the evaluation of college students' practice of ideological and political education. The fourth part is the ideological and political education practice in colleges and universities to optimize the path of education countermeasures. This paper puts forward four principles which must be adhered to in the optimization of the path of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, namely, the principle of subjectivity, the principle of synergy, the principle of systematization, and the principle of integrating theory with practice. From establishing the public opinion propaganda platform, strengthening the students' cognition; constructing the all-staff participation mechanism, respecting the students' subjectivity; constructing the specialized integration mode, forming the ability of educating people; creating the professional practice platform, paying attention to the cultivation of ability; strengthening the practice teaching link, Deepening the theoretical understanding, strengthening military training, forming a good style of work, strengthening the assessment management, establishing an evaluation system, expanding the practice base, perfecting the guarantee mechanism, and so on, this paper puts forward some countermeasures for optimizing the path of practical education.


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