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发布时间:2018-07-31 09:30
【摘要】:20世纪中期,高等教育进入大众化阶段,面对高等教育的不断扩张,质量问题受到普遍关注,各国都掀起了提高高等教育质量的热潮,试图建立一个各方接受的、合理、公平、公正、权威、透明和科学的高等教育质量保障体系。匈牙利高等教育历经六个多世纪的发展,形成了多层次、高水平、全方面与劳动力市场接轨的高等教育系统。不仅创建出多所世界一流大学,而且培养出一些享誉世界的高层次人才。面对20世纪初高等教育的扩张,匈牙利紧跟欧洲步伐,积极提高高等教育质量。一方面,建立匈牙利认证委员会(Hungarian Accreditation Committee,简称HAC),对国内高等院校开展认证评估,在此期间,为了建设一个既有内适性又与国际接轨的院校认证和评估标准,积极与欧洲其他国家的高等教育质量评估机构合作,并以欧洲高等教育质量联合会制定的欧洲标准和指导方针(European Standards and Guidelines)为依据修订其院校认证和评估标准。另一方面,在欧洲高等教育改革的大背景下,积极加入“博洛尼亚进程”,实现了高等教育的又一次重大改革,建立了两层三级的高等教育体系,消除了与欧盟各国高等教育的壁垒,真正做到与欧盟接轨,实现了高等教育的国际化。在国内和国外的双重推动下,匈牙利高等教育质量得到不断提升。我国高等教育在进入大众化阶段后,随着高校的不断扩招,规模的不断扩大,高等教育质量受到质疑。通过对匈牙利高等教育质量发展的探讨,对比提出了我国高等教育质量方面存在的几个问题:高等教育区域化及国际合作欠缺、高等教育经费投入不足、高等教育质量观相对落后、高等教育社会功能与本体功能失衡、创新人才培养机制缺乏、各类高校对自身办学定位不清等。面对这些问题,进一步提出我国应当改变原有的高等教育质量观,建立第三方的高等教育外部质量评估机构,构建完善的高等教育内部质量保障体系,通过建立完善的高等教育质量保障政策及法律法规来保证内外部质量保障体系的顺利运作。
[Abstract]:In the middle of the 20th century, higher education entered the stage of popularization. In the face of the continuous expansion of higher education, the problem of quality has received widespread concern. All countries have set off an upsurge to improve the quality of higher education, trying to establish a fair, reasonable and acceptable one. Fair, authoritative, transparent and scientific higher education quality assurance system. After more than six centuries' development, Hungarian higher education has formed a multi-level, high-level, all-sided higher education system in line with the labor market. Not only to create a number of world-class universities, but also to cultivate some of the world-renowned high-level talent. In the face of the expansion of higher education in the early 20 th century, Hungary kept pace with Europe and actively improved the quality of higher education. On the one hand, the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (Hungarian Accreditation Committee,) was set up for the purpose of evaluating the certification of domestic institutions of higher learning. During this period, in order to build a standard of accreditation and evaluation of institutions of higher learning that are both internalized and in line with international standards, To actively cooperate with higher education quality assessment institutions in other European countries and to revise its accreditation and assessment standards on the basis of European standards and guidelines developed by the European Union for higher Education quality (European Standards and Guidelines). On the other hand, under the background of higher education reform in Europe, we actively joined the Bologna process, realized another major reform of higher education, and established a two-tiered and three-tier higher education system. The barriers to higher education in EU countries are eliminated, and the internationalization of higher education is realized. Both at home and abroad, the quality of higher education in Hungary has been continuously improved. After the popularization of higher education in our country, the quality of higher education has been questioned with the expansion of enrollment and scale of higher education. Through the discussion on the development of higher education quality in Hungary, this paper compares and puts forward several problems in the quality of higher education in our country: the regionalization of higher education and the lack of international cooperation, the lack of investment in higher education funds. The quality view of higher education is relatively backward, the social function and ontology function of higher education are out of balance, the training mechanism of innovative talents is lacking, and the orientation of all kinds of colleges and universities is not clear. In the face of these problems, it is suggested that our country should change the original view of higher education quality, establish a third party external quality evaluation institution of higher education, and construct a perfect internal quality assurance system of higher education. To ensure the smooth operation of the internal and external quality assurance system by establishing perfect higher education quality assurance policy and laws and regulations.


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