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发布时间:2018-07-31 15:18
【摘要】:随着科学技术的不断进步,媒体已经成为人们生活不可或缺的重要组成部分。面对越来越多的媒体形式,越来越复杂的媒介环境,即使作为当今社会文化知识先驱的大学生群体也未必能够独善其身。因此,发展媒介素养教育就显得尤为重要. 媒介素养教育起源于20世纪30年代的英国,并在以后的几十年里逐渐发展壮大,,直到至今被视为是在21世纪这个媒介化大环境里必须尽快纳入国家正规教育体系的新兴学科之一。尽管很多西方发达国家已经或正在如火如荼的开展相对完善的媒介素养教育。然而,不得不承认的是我国此类教育仍然处于萌芽阶段,发展缓慢。 本文采用了文献综述,问卷调查及访谈的方式,对吉林省部分高等院校的大学生和教师进行调查研究,希望以此为基础进而掌握目前高校教育中媒介素养教育的实施现状。而调查的结果却不容乐观。例如,大学生缺乏主动参与媒介素养课程的意识,媒介素养匮乏;高等院校对媒介素养类课程缺乏重视,对此类课程的定位比较模糊以及高等院校媒介素养教师的技能缺乏统一性和正规性等等。本文对这些问题进行了分析并探讨了这些问题发展的可能原因,以期找到可行的解决策略。 其次,在本文的后半部分,通过对目前高等院校媒介素养教育课程体系存在的问题进行分析,结合调查的数据以及大量国内外重要文献的借鉴,本文尝试提出一个创新的媒介素养课程体系。就像数学,英语,基础物理等课程已经成为当代大学生不论什么专业都必须选择的课程一样,本文把媒介素养课程也定位为通识必修课。以期通过这样的媒介素养类课程,使当代大学生乃至全民都具备如何应对“媒介文化环境”的技能技巧,具备保护自己远离媒介危害以及能够利用媒介达到自我完善的能力。 最后,希望本文的研究会对我国媒介素养教育的发展具有借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:With the continuous progress of science and technology, the media has become an indispensable part of people's lives. In the face of more and more media forms and more complex media environment, even as a pioneer of cultural knowledge, college students may not be able to stand alone. Therefore, the development of media literacy education is particularly important. Media literacy education originated in Britain in the 1930s and developed gradually in the following decades. Until now, it has been regarded as one of the emerging disciplines that must be incorporated into the national formal education system as soon as possible in the media environment of the 21st century. Although many western developed countries have been or are carrying out relatively perfect media literacy education. However, we have to admit that this kind of education is still in its infancy and its development is slow. This paper adopts the methods of literature review, questionnaire investigation and interview to investigate and study the college students and teachers in some colleges and universities in Jilin Province, hoping to take this as the basis to grasp the current situation of media literacy education in colleges and universities. The results of the survey are not optimistic. For example, college students lack awareness of participating in media literacy courses, media literacy is lacking, and colleges and universities do not attach importance to media literacy courses. The orientation of this kind of courses is vague and the skills of media literacy teachers in colleges and universities are lack of unity and formality and so on. This paper analyzes these problems and discusses the possible reasons for the development of these problems in order to find a feasible solution. Secondly, in the second half of this paper, through the analysis of the existing problems in the media literacy education curriculum system of colleges and universities, combined with the survey data and a large number of important literature at home and abroad for reference. This paper attempts to propose an innovative media literacy curriculum system. Just as mathematics, English, basic physics and other courses have become the courses that college students must choose in any major, the media literacy course is also regarded as a general compulsory course in this paper. It is hoped that through this kind of media literacy course, contemporary college students and even the whole people will have the skills to cope with the "media cultural environment", the ability to protect themselves from the harm of the media and the ability to make use of the media to achieve self-improvement. Finally, I hope the research of this paper will be helpful to the development of media literacy education in China.


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