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发布时间:2018-08-02 08:50
【摘要】:罗家伦(1897—1969),我国近代著名的思想家、教育家、历史学家、社会活动家、“五四运动”的命名者,他一生徘徊、周旋于政治和学术之间,身担数重角色,人生传奇色彩甚浓。然而,长期以来由于其国民党要员身份的干扰,大陆学术界对其多是政治批判,而较少关注甚至抹煞其在教育领域的贡献,不能不说是大陆教育界的一个遗憾。本文致力于对罗家伦高等教育思想进行研究,深入挖掘其在国立清华大学和中央大学的办学实践中所形成和遵循的教育理念,不仅有助于科学、客观的认识和评价罗家伦在中国近代高等教育史中的地位,丰富对中国近代教育家的研究,而且对传承我国传统的大学教育理念,丰富近代高等教育内容,改善和解决高等教育发展中的弊端和问题有一定积极作用。 本文共分为四个部分: 绪论部分:概括性地介绍本论文的研究意义、海内外研究现状、研究目标、研究内容和方法,以及本研究的创新之处,力图为本论文的写作奠定良好基础。 正文第一部分:分析罗家伦大学理念形成的时代背景和理论渊源,主要从中国近代社会的历史环境,罗家伦中西合璧的文化背景,近代教育家大学改革思想的影响,以及其“政治人”和“学术人”的双重人格等方面进行梳理和分析。 第二部分:重点介绍罗家伦大学理念的基本内涵和实践,从大学使命观、大学学术观、大学管理观三个方面入手,力图多层次、多角度地展现罗家伦大学办学特色。 第三部分:详细论述罗家伦大学理念及办学实践的价值体现和社会影响,用发展的眼光重新审视并呈现罗家伦这一历史人物的本来面目,客观评价其大学理念对当今高等教育的贡献和存在的不足,力求为现代大学的改革和发展提供有益借鉴。
[Abstract]:Luo Jialun (1897-1969), a famous thinker, educator, historian, social activist and the nomenclator of the May 4th Movement in modern China, hovered all his life between politics and academia, bearing a lot of roles, and his life was legendary. However, for a long time, because of the interference of his Kuomintang dignitaries, most of them were criticized by the mainland academic circles, and it is a pity for the mainland education circles to pay less attention to and even negate their contributions in the field of education. This paper is devoted to the study of Luo Jialun's thought of higher education, and deeply excavates the educational idea formed and followed by him in the practice of running a school at National Tsinghua University and Central University, which is not only helpful to science, An objective understanding and evaluation of Luo Jialun's position in the history of Chinese modern higher education enriches the study of Chinese modern educators, and enriches the contents of modern higher education by inheriting the traditional ideas of university education in China. Improving and solving the disadvantages and problems in the development of higher education plays a positive role. This paper is divided into four parts: introduction: a general introduction to the significance of this paper, research status at home and abroad, research objectives, research content and methods, as well as the innovation of this study, Try to lay a good foundation for the writing of this thesis. The first part of the text analyzes the historical background and theoretical origin of the formation of the concept of Luojialen University, mainly from the historical environment of modern Chinese society, the cultural background of the combination of Chinese and Western elements, and the influence of modern educationalists' thoughts on university reform. And its "political person" and "academic person" dual personality and so on carding and analysis. The second part focuses on the basic connotation and practice of Luojialen University concept, starting with the university mission view, the university academic view and the university management view, trying hard to show the characteristics of Luojialen University in multi-level and multi-angle. The third part discusses the value and social influence of the concept and practice of Luojialen University in detail, and reexamines and presents the historical character of Luo Jia Lun with the view of development. In order to provide useful reference for the reform and development of modern universities, the paper objectively evaluates the contributions and shortcomings of its university concept to today's higher education.


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