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发布时间:2018-08-02 17:55
【摘要】:本论文在分析了美国高等学校多元录取发展历程的基础上,选择了对我国有较大借鉴意义的提前录取、开放录取和双向录取三种录取方式进行了较为详细的分析,并进行了个案研究,尝试分析多元录取能够在美国顺利实施的社会基础,并就录取评价的多元化、录取标准的多元化以及录取机构等问题进行了解析,以期为当前我国高考录取的多元化发展提供理论依据和政策性建议。 全文共分为四部分。 首先,从美国高校多元化录取方式的历史角度进行介绍,大量运用文献综合的方法描述了美国多元化录取的历史发展,介绍了美国多元化文化及多元化教育的背景,对单独设立的招生录取评价制度做了必要的描述,并且从录取评价和录取标准两个维度对美国高校多元化录取进行的分析。 其次,对美国高校实行的五种录取方式中的三种进行了详细的描述与分析,这三种录取方式是提前录取、开放录取和双向录取,并对每一种录取方式的流程、评价及个案研究进行分章节的具体的分析,尽可能详细的对这三种录取方式进行阐述。 再次,根据美国高校实行的多元化录取方式,挖掘录取方式多元化产生的原因,在美国高校录取进程中,社会、政府和高校起着重大的作用,三者共同形成了美国多元化录取的因素。 最后,从多元化录取理念和多层次高校体系等角度对美国多元化录取方式进行了总体的评述,并且秉着继承和创新的原则,在美国高校多元化录取方式的基础上,从宏观和具体两个方面提出了符合我国高考改革的建议。
[Abstract]:On the basis of analyzing the development course of multivariate admission in American colleges and universities, this paper chooses three kinds of admission methods, which are of great significance for reference in our country, namely, early admission, open admission and bidirectional admission. A case study is carried out to analyze the social basis on which pluralistic admission can be successfully implemented in the United States, and an analysis is made of the diversity of admission evaluation, the diversity of admission criteria, and the admission organization, and so on. In order to provide theoretical basis and policy advice for the pluralistic development of college entrance examination in China. The full text is divided into four parts. First of all, from the perspective of the history of diversified admission in American colleges and universities, a large number of methods of literature synthesis are used to describe the historical development of diversified admission in the United States, and the background of diversified culture and diversified education in the United States is introduced. This paper makes a necessary description of the separately established admission evaluation system, and analyzes the diversity of admission in American colleges and universities from the two dimensions of admission evaluation and admission criteria. Secondly, it describes and analyzes in detail three of the five admission methods implemented by American colleges and universities. These three admission methods are early admission, open admission and two-way admission, and the process of each admission method. The evaluation and case studies are analyzed in detail, and the three admission methods are elaborated as much as possible. Thirdly, according to the practice of diversified admission methods in American colleges and universities, the reasons for the diversification of admission methods are explored. In the process of admission to American colleges and universities, the society, the government and universities play an important role. Together, the three forms the factors of the diversified admission in the United States. Finally, from the perspective of the pluralistic admission concept and multi-level university system, the author makes a general comment on the diversified admission methods in the United States, and on the basis of the pluralistic admission methods of American colleges and universities, on the basis of the principle of inheritance and innovation, This paper puts forward some suggestions in accordance with the reform of college entrance examination from macro and concrete aspects.


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1 吴向明;;美国高校自主招生及其启示[J];浙江工业大学学报(社科版);2007年04期




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