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发布时间:2018-08-02 19:03
【摘要】:在新疆面临大发展、大跨越的历史时期,也同时是文化的转型时期,在文化转型时期进行现代文化的建设是价值观重构与认同的过程,文化的核心就是价值观,并通过人的思想观念表现出来。以社会主义核心价值体系为引领实现新疆文化从传统向现代文化转型,其目的就是要实现文化的现代化,即现代价值观的重构和认同,同时也是实现人的思想观念的现代化。新疆处在祖国的西北边陲,国内外环境十分复杂,是西方敌对势力实行分化和西化的重点,新疆自古以来就是多民族聚居、多宗教并存的地方。因此,新疆文化能否顺利转型直接影响着新疆社会的跨越式发展和长治久安。社会主义核心价值体系是中华文化的精髓、是新疆文化转型的方向标、是新疆现代文化建设的依据,,是新疆各民族共同追求的统一的核心价值取向。在这种大背景下,新疆高校的职能显得尤为重要,高校一方面要为新疆现代化建设事业输送各级各类人才,另一方面又是传播社会主义核心价值体系的主要阵地和制高点。因此,在新疆文化转型时期,高校为促进新疆现代文化建设发挥着极为重要的作用。 论文以新疆文化转型为视角,深入探析了新疆文化转型的内容及其新疆文化转型时期的社会思想文化的特点,最后对高校如何加强社会主义核心价值体系教育提出了一些思考。全文的主体分为四个部分,第一部分为导论,阐述研究意义、国内外研究现状、研究的重难点和创新点。第二部分围绕相关理论概述展开,首先阐述了文化、新疆文化转型、社会主义核心价值体系的概念、其次阐述了文化转型的相关内容,最后就新疆文化转型与社会主义核心价值体系的关系进行了分析和论述。第三部分阐明在文化转型时期新疆高校强化社会主义核心价值体系教育的必要性,第四部分提出了在文化转型时期背景下,新疆高校强化社会主义核心价值体系教育的有效途径。
[Abstract]:In the historical period of Xinjiang's great development and great leap, it is also the period of cultural transformation. In the period of cultural transformation, the construction of modern culture is the process of reconstruction and identification of values, and the core of culture is values. And through people's ideas and ideas to show. Taking the socialist core value system as the guide to realize the transformation of Xinjiang culture from tradition to modern culture, its purpose is to realize the modernization of culture, namely the reconstruction and identification of modern values, and also to realize the modernization of human ideology. Xinjiang is located in the northwestern border of the motherland, and the environment at home and abroad is very complex, which is the focus of western hostile forces to carry out differentiation and westernization. Xinjiang has been a place where many nationalities live together and many religions coexist since ancient times. Therefore, the smooth transformation of Xinjiang culture directly affects the leapfrog development and long-term stability of Xinjiang society. The socialist core value system is the essence of Chinese culture, the direction of Xinjiang's cultural transformation, the basis of Xinjiang's modern cultural construction, and the unified core value orientation pursued by all nationalities in Xinjiang. Under this background, the functions of Xinjiang colleges and universities are particularly important. On the one hand, colleges and universities should transport all kinds of talents for the modernization of Xinjiang, on the other hand, they are the main position and commanding point of spreading the socialist core value system. Therefore, in the period of cultural transformation in Xinjiang, colleges and universities play an extremely important role in promoting the construction of modern culture in Xinjiang. From the perspective of Xinjiang's cultural transformation, this paper probes into the content of Xinjiang's cultural transformation and the characteristics of social ideology and culture during the period of Xinjiang's cultural transformation, and finally puts forward some thoughts on how to strengthen the education of socialist core value system in colleges and universities. The main body of the paper is divided into four parts. The first part is an introduction, which describes the significance of the research, the current research situation at home and abroad, the important difficulties and innovations of the research. The second part focuses on the overview of relevant theories. Firstly, it expounds the concepts of culture, Xinjiang cultural transformation, socialist core value system, and then expounds the relevant contents of cultural transformation. Finally, the relationship between Xinjiang cultural transformation and socialist core value system is analyzed and discussed. The third part expounds the necessity of strengthening the education of socialist core value system in Xinjiang colleges and universities in the period of cultural transformation. The fourth part puts forward the background of the cultural transformation period. The effective way to strengthen the education of socialist core value system in Xinjiang colleges and universities.


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