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发布时间:2018-08-03 15:51
【摘要】:感恩是中华民族的传统美德,它既是我国传统文化的重要组成部分,也是建设社会主义精神文明的重要内容之一。个性独特、思想开放的“90后”逐渐成为大学生的主体,受各种因素影响,感恩缺失现象在当代大学生中时有发生,这给高校感恩教育敲响了警钟。开展感恩教育,对于弥补传统思想政治教育手段的不足、提高大学生的思想道德修养、促进社会主义精神文明、推动和谐校园乃至和谐社会的建设,有重要作用。 “90后”大学生感恩意识、感恩行为等实际情况到底如何?其接受的感恩教育情况怎样?如何提高感恩教育的实效性?这都已成为教育界乃至社会关注的焦点问题。当前关于大学生感恩现状、感恩教育的研究,普遍的方式是罗列大学生感恩现状、陈述感恩缺失事件,运用实证调查研究方式的极少。本文拟在已有研究的基础上,运用文献法、问卷调查法等对“90后”大学生感恩现状以及高校感恩教育基本情况这一课题进行研究。通过对广东地区四所高校进行问卷调查,通过调查数据分析,掌握“90后”大学生感恩现状及其接受感恩教育的现状。在调查数据结果基础上,分析影响大学生感恩现状的因素,以便更加全面、客观地了解当代大学生感恩相关问题。 最后,针对“90后”大学生感恩现状存在的问题并结合思想政治教育学的相关理论,创造性地从教育的主体、环体和载体三个维度提出改进感恩教育的对策,,使高校的感恩教育更贴合思想政治教育工作的目标,增加思政工作实效性。
[Abstract]:Thanksgiving is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. It is not only an important part of Chinese traditional culture, but also one of the important contents of constructing socialist spiritual civilization. Because of its unique personality, the open-minded "post-90s" has gradually become the main body of college students. Under the influence of various factors, the phenomenon of lack of gratitude occurs from time to time among contemporary college students, which has sounded the alarm for the education of Thanksgiving in colleges and universities. To carry out Thanksgiving education, to make up for the deficiency of traditional ideological and political education means, to improve the ideological and moral cultivation of college students, to promote socialist spiritual civilization, and to promote the construction of harmonious campus and even harmonious society, Plays an important role. "90" college students Thanksgiving awareness, Thanksgiving behavior and other actual situation in the end how? What is the status of their Thanksgiving education? How to improve the effectiveness of Thanksgiving education? This has become the focus of attention of the educational sector and even the society. At present, the research on the present situation and education of gratitude of college students, the general way is to list the status quo of gratitude of college students, to state the lack of gratitude events, and to use the empirical investigation and research methods are very few. On the basis of the existing research, this paper uses the method of literature and questionnaire to study the present situation of gratitude of post-90s college students and the basic situation of Thanksgiving education in colleges and universities. Through the questionnaire survey of four colleges and universities in Guangdong, and through the analysis of the investigation data, the present situation of gratitude and the current situation of receiving Thanksgiving education for the post-90s college students are grasped. On the basis of the survey data, this paper analyzes the factors that affect the present situation of college students' gratitude, so as to understand more comprehensively and objectively the related problems of contemporary college students' gratitude. Finally, aiming at the problems existing in the present situation of gratitude of post-90s college students and combining the relevant theories of ideological and political education, the author creatively puts forward the countermeasures to improve Thanksgiving education from three dimensions: the main body of education, the environment and the carrier. Make the Thanksgiving education in colleges and universities more in line with the goal of ideological and political education, and increase the effectiveness of ideological and political work.


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