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发布时间:2018-08-03 18:09
【摘要】:随着知识经济的到来,地方高等教育与区域经济社会的发展关系越来越密切,两者相互促进、相互制约、依存发展。地方高等教育是区域经济增长的动力源,为区域经济提供丰富的人才资源和强大的科技支撑,推动知识与技术创新,,促进区域经济转变发展方式,实现又好又快良性发展;区域经济的健康发展为地方高等教育的发展提供了物质基础,同时也对人才提出了更高的要求,区域经济的发展能促进地方高校结构调整、质量和效益的提高以及规模的扩大。 安徽省作为我国中部大省,人口众多,地域辽阔,物产丰富,但经济相对来说较为落后,这与高等教育的发展有着密切的联系。改革开放三十多年来,尤其是“十一五”时期,安徽政府和各高校做出种种努力,使安徽高等教育在服务本省经济社会发展中做出了很大的贡献。但是目前安徽省高等教育与区域经济仍存在不协调的现象:高等教育规模的发展滞后于区域经济发展的速度;高等教育地区分布、科类结构制约区域经济均衡发展;高等教育科技成果转化不足,服务能力不强等。如何促进“十二五”时期安徽高等教育与经济协调发展,为“科教兴皖”、加速安徽崛起做出更大的贡献,这是经济研究和高等教育研究都日益重视的问题。 本论文从地方高等教育与区域经济协调发展的角度进行分析,在总结国内外相关研究的基础上,采用文献研究法、调查研究法、比较分析法等,对地方高等教育与区域经济协调发展做了较为系统的研究,分析了目前安徽高等教育与区域经济互动发展中存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出促进安徽省高等教育与安徽经济协调发展的对策:高等教育要根据现有经济水平,适度超前发展;优化高等教育结构,提升高等教育质量;提升科学研究水平,增强社会服务能力;加大教育投入力度,提供资金保障;深化高等教育管理体制,激发高等教育发展活力等。希望为安徽省高等教育与区域经济协调发展提供一些有益的参考。
[Abstract]:With the coming of knowledge economy, the relationship between local higher education and regional economic and social development is more and more close. Local higher education is the power source of regional economic growth, which provides abundant human resources and strong scientific and technological support for regional economy, promotes knowledge and technological innovation, promotes regional economic transformation and development, and realizes sound and rapid development. The healthy development of regional economy provides the material basis for the development of local higher education, and at the same time puts forward higher requirements for talents. The development of regional economy can promote the structural adjustment of local colleges and universities, the improvement of quality and benefit, and the expansion of scale. As a big province in central China, Anhui Province has a large population, vast territory and abundant products, but the economy is relatively backward, which is closely related to the development of higher education. In the past 30 years of reform and opening up, especially in the period of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan, Anhui government and universities have made various efforts to make Anhui higher education make great contributions to serving the economic and social development of the province. However, at present, there are still some incongruous phenomena between higher education and regional economy in Anhui Province: the development of higher education scale lags behind the speed of regional economic development, the regional distribution of higher education restricts the balanced development of regional economy, and the regional distribution of higher education restricts the balanced development of regional economy. The higher education science and technology achievement transformation is insufficient, the service ability is not strong and so on. How to promote the coordinated development of higher education and economy in Anhui during the 12th Five-Year Plan period, to make greater contributions to the development of Anhui through science and education and to accelerate the rise of Anhui, is an issue which has been paid more and more attention to in both economic and higher education studies. This paper analyzes from the angle of the coordinated development of local higher education and regional economy, on the basis of summing up the relevant research at home and abroad, adopts the literature research method, the investigation research method, the comparative analysis method and so on. This paper makes a systematic study on the coordinated development of local higher education and regional economy, and analyzes the problems existing in the interactive development of Anhui higher education and regional economy. Aiming at these problems, the author puts forward some countermeasures to promote the coordinated development of Anhui higher education and Anhui economy: higher education should be developed according to the existing economic level, and the structure of higher education should be optimized and the quality of higher education should be improved. Enhance the level of scientific research, strengthen the ability of social service; increase the investment in education, provide financial security; deepen the management system of higher education, stimulate the vitality of the development of higher education, etc. This paper hopes to provide some useful reference for the coordinated development of higher education and regional economy in Anhui Province.


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