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发布时间:2018-08-05 09:19
【摘要】:长期以来,人们对个性问题的研究从来没有停止过,从古希腊思辨到近代非理性,西方学者关注个性的热情丝毫不减,中国同样如此,从儒家思想到五四新文化,对人个性发展的探讨已经超出了教育领域,马克思主义经典作家也有自己的个性观,以“以人为本”为核心的科学发展观的提出标志着人的个性解放、个性自由和个性培养上升到了一个新高度,越来越成为人们关注的焦点。当下,个性发展与个性培养不仅成为各学科领域都在关注的学理问题,更成为当前亟待解决的现实问题。 培育人是思想政治教育的题中之义,,人的自由全面发展是教育的终级目标,人的个性发展是全面发展的重要组成部分,正确认识与分析人的个性发展在思想政治教育中的重要意义,是确保思想政治教育朝着科学的方向发展的基础。但是传统的思想政治教育过于强调整齐划一,对人的个性发展关注较少,在这种理念的长期引导下,人的个性得不到很好的发展甚至受到压抑。人的个性体现在价值观念、处事态度、行为习惯等多个方面,这些方面的素质如何,除了遗传因素外,教育起着决定作用,为此,当代思想政治教育必须以培养受教育者的个性为己任,研究大学生的个性发展是高等教育之必然,促进个性发展是思想政治教育的新任务和新目标。 近年来,学者在思想政治教育范畴内研究大学生个性发展的成果指导着我国教育改革与发展,也为大学生思想政治教育提供了新的指导思想。我们必须清醒的认识当前的教育形势,必须清醒的认识个性发展与思想政治的内在关联,必须认识思想政治教育中融入个性教育的意义。长期以来的教育模式积重难返,要促进个性发展难度不小,新形势下,从实际出发采取有效的方式和手段加强个性化教育,尤其要推进思想政治教育内容、教育方法和评价模式等方面的改革,关注对大学生闲暇时间的引导,处理好个性发展与大学生社会属性,集体与个人等关系,才能真正促进人的个性发展,进而最终实现自由全面的发展。
[Abstract]:For a long time, the study of personality has never stopped, from ancient Greek speculation to modern irrationality, the enthusiasm of western scholars on personality is not diminished. In China, the same way, from Confucianism to the 54 new culture, the exploration of the development of personality has exceeded the educational field, and the classical Marx writers have their own. The concept of personality, with the "people-oriented" as the core of Scientific Outlook on Development, marks the emancipation of personalities, the freedom of individuality and the cultivation of personality has risen to a new height, and becomes the focus of attention more and more. At present, the development of personality and the cultivation of personality not only become the academic issues of concern in all disciplines, but have become more urgent at present. The solution to the real problem.
The cultivation of people is the meaning of Ideological and political education. The all-round development of human freedom is the final goal of education. The development of human personality is an important part of the comprehensive development. It is the basis for the development of Ideological and political education to ensure the development of Ideological and political education in the direction of science. The traditional ideological and political education too much emphasis on uniformity, less attention to the development of human personality. Under the long-term guidance of this concept, people's personality can not be well developed or even suppressed. Human personality is embodied in values, attitude, behavior habits and many other aspects, the quality of these aspects, in addition to genetic factors. Education plays a decisive role. For this reason, contemporary ideological and political education must take the character of the educated as its own task. It is a necessity to study the personality development of college students, and to promote the development of individuality is the new task and new goal of Ideological and political education.
In recent years, scholars in the field of Ideological and political education to study the achievements of College Students' personality development guide the reform and development of education in our country, and provide new guiding ideology for the ideological and political education of college students. We must understand the current educational situation soberly and have a clear understanding of the internal relationship between the development of individuality and the ideological and political. Understanding the significance of the integration of personality education in Ideological and political education. For a long time the educational model is hard to return and the difficulty of promoting the development of personality is not small. Under the new situation, we should take effective ways and means to strengthen individualized education in the new situation, especially to promote the reform of the internal capacity of Ideological and political education, the education method and the evaluation model. To guide the leisure time of college students, to deal with the relationship between individual development and the social attribute of college students, and the relationship between the collective and the individual, can we really promote the development of human personality, and finally realize the free and comprehensive development.


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