[Abstract]:With the process of urbanization, landscape education in our country has experienced a new understanding of the modern landscape science system. The landscape education, which is dominated by the major of agriculture and landscape architecture and the specialty of engineering and landscape architecture, is gradually transformed into agriculture, engineering and management. Landscape education with multiple subjects such as literature. This process is also based on the renewal of educational concepts and marked by different educational systems and teaching models, which is deeply rooted in the transformation of the national economic structure. Fully reflects the social and economic development of landscape education needs change. Landscape education under the background of urbanization involves a wider range of specialties and a more vague orientation of disciplines, and is inevitably influenced by social factors such as politics, economy, culture and so on. Among them, the transformation of social and economic structure, the change of consumption concept caused by the commercialization of housing, the influence of the development of industry and the difference of educational idea in academic circles are the main reasons for the formation of the multiple coexistence pattern of landscape education in China.
【作者单位】: 江南大学设计学院;
【基金】:江南大学产品创意与设计文化研究中心专项研究资助项目 江南大学2010年校研究生优秀课程建设项目
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