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发布时间:2018-08-06 08:12
【摘要】:艺术设计专业是创造性和实践性都很强的专业,不但需要学生掌握理论知识,更注重学生的实战操作训练,而学生的实际应用能力不是由学生自己和教师来评定,而是由社会、企业、客户评定的。传统教育以单纯的知识传授和积累为目标;以记忆显现型思维为主,拘泥于现成理论;学习内容大多提倡规范统一。纯粹以学术为基础的设计教育已经无法满足社会发展的需要,因为与社会实践的脱节而受到某些争议。让学生沉浸在狭隘的传统技艺中,忽视学生的思考力和解决问题的能力,使学生不能充分发挥创造力和创造价值,是设计教育的不能承受之重。而与社会实践结合的示范式教学则以开发创新能力、培养实践能力为目标,需要学生将专业知识学习与多学科知识学习相结合,开阔视野,丰富想象力,提倡学习的多元性和自主性,提倡课堂教学与社会实践、调查研究相结合。这就需要我们努力在实践中由以传授知识为主的观念向以培养能力为主的观念转化。 艺术设计专业课示范式教学是试图模拟一种实际的设计情境,让学生身临其境地进行分析判断,即通过案例学习知识、学习方法,注重培养能力、注重思考过程。核心旨在“将学生的创意能力与实践能力结合”,在示范式教学中,教师更像是导演或指挥,学生的参与度和领悟力与教师的作用一起构成了教学质量的要素,而不是传统的教师单向地“传道、授业、解惑”。教师利用各方资源,为提高学生的实际创意能力,尽快适应就业岗位的需要,千方百计与专业公司合作,请优秀的毕业生回到学校向在校同学现身说法,与在校生共同上课,研究课堂作业,将课堂作业和企业项目进行合并,同时将教师评价,专业公司创意总监评价共同成为学生课堂作业的评价标准。在实际案例的分析过程中应用一些设计知识,体会一种思考的方法,锻炼一种解决问题的能力。 本文结合各类相关文献从教学内容、教学模式、教学方法上着手,以实际教学实践论述只有在学校教育中科学合理地安排教学课程,使用正确的教学方法,激发学生对艺术的热爱,将创新能力和实践能力的培养渗透到具体的教学环节中,才能在教学中提高艺术设计学生的专业水平。对我国高等艺术设计教育专业课教学的培养模式、产业对接以及与可持续发展关系方面作出了分析思考并提出一些探索性的改革建议,以期待为我国高等艺术设计教育未来的发展提供一些参考和指引。
[Abstract]:Art design is a highly creative and practical major, which requires students not only to master theoretical knowledge, but also to pay more attention to the practical operation training of students. The students' practical application ability is not assessed by the students themselves and teachers, but by the society. Enterprise, customer assessment. Traditional education aims at simple knowledge imparting and accumulation; mainly by memory-manifesting thinking, confined to ready-made theory; most of the learning content advocates standardization and unification. Purely academic based design education has been unable to meet the needs of social development, because of the disconnection with social practice and some controversy. To immerse students in narrow traditional skills and ignore students' thinking ability and problem-solving ability, so that students can not give full play to their creativity and create value, is the heavy weight of design education. The model teaching combined with social practice aims at developing innovative ability and cultivating practical ability, which requires students to combine professional knowledge learning with multi-disciplinary knowledge learning, broaden their horizons and enrich their imagination. Promote the diversity and autonomy of learning, promote the combination of classroom teaching and social practice, investigation and research. This requires us to transform from the concept of imparting knowledge to the concept of cultivating ability in practice. The demonstration teaching of art design course is an attempt to simulate a kind of actual design situation and let the students analyze and judge in their own circumstances, that is, to study knowledge through case studies, to study methods, to pay attention to the cultivation of ability and to the process of thinking. The core aim is to "combine students' creative ability with practical ability". In exemplary teaching, teachers are more like directors or directors, and students' participation and understanding together with the role of teachers constitute the elements of teaching quality. Instead of traditional teachers, they "preach, teach, and solve their doubts." Teachers make use of all kinds of resources, in order to improve students' actual creative ability and adapt to the needs of employment as soon as possible, do everything possible to cooperate with professional companies, and invite outstanding graduates to return to the school to present their views to the students at school and attend classes together with the students in the school. Research classroom homework, combine classroom assignment with enterprise project, and combine teacher evaluation and creative director evaluation of professional company as the evaluation standard of students' classroom assignment. In the process of practical case analysis some design knowledge is applied to realize a method of thinking and to exercise the ability of solving problems. This article combines all kinds of relevant literature from the teaching content, the teaching model, the teaching method, discusses with the actual teaching practice only in the school education scientifically reasonable arrangement teaching curriculum, uses the correct teaching method, Only by arousing students' love of art and infiltrating the cultivation of creative and practical abilities into specific teaching links can the professional level of art design students be improved in teaching. This paper analyzes and ponders over the training mode, industry docking and the relationship with sustainable development of the course teaching of higher art design education in China, and puts forward some exploratory reform suggestions. In order to look forward to the future development of higher art and design education in China to provide some reference and guidance.


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