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发布时间:2018-08-07 09:43
【摘要】:1.研究目的医学行为的根本目标是保障人类的生命健康。医生作为医学活动的主要执行者,其品德操守和医疗技术不仅关系到人群的幸福安康,也影响着整个社会安定与发展。随着全球竞争的加剧,世界各国政府都将培养具有国际竞争力的医学人才作为一项基础性、战略性、前瞻性的工作。20世纪70年代,美国罗切斯特大学医学院的G.L.恩格尔教授提出现代医学模式应从单纯的生物医学模式向生物-心理-社会医学模式转变,成为医学史上的重要里程碑,它不仅涉及到医学基本观念和疾病防治原则,也推动了医学人才培养模式的深刻变革,要求医学院校在学生培养过程中更加重视人文素质教育,强调医学生早期即应该参与社区实践,学会与来自不同社会文化背景的人沟通。特别是随着世界医学教育联合会(WEME)、世界卫生组织西太区办事处(WHO西太区)和国际医学教育组织(IIME)先后发布了全球医学教育标准,以及世界经济一体化条件下,教育领域国际交流与合作趋势的加快,医学院校学生的国际化培养已成为我国医学教育的一项重要工作。S医科大学是目前国内办学规模较大的医学院校之一,对该校学生国际化培养情况进行个案研究,并借鉴发达国家医学院校学生国际化培养的成功经验,着力分析国内医学院校学生国际化培养方面存在的不足和原因,结合医学院校实际情况和学科优势,提出促进医学人才国际化培养的对策。2.研究意义2.1理论意义本课题以S医科大学为例,同时借鉴发达国家医学院校学生国际化培养的实践经验,重点研究医学模式转变下医学院校实施学生国际化培养的必要性、现状以及存在的问题,并提出相应对策,从实证的角度为我国医学院校开展学生国际化培养工作提供理论支持和一些建设性意见,也为后续的研究奠定基础。2.2现实意义目前,国家正在广泛实施医学专业认证、“卓越医师培养”等改革计划,目的正是在于培养优具秀医学人才,提升我国医学教育的国际竞争力。本课题以全国重点大学之一的S医科大学为例,分析当前国内医学院校学生国际化培养中存在的主要问题及原因,并结合国外先进经验提出对策,对于进一步提升医学院校的国际化办学水平,培养具备国际视野和创新能力的医学人才,以促进我国高等教育国际化,推动医疗卫生事业改革有重要的现实意义。3.研究方法3.1文献研究法通过学校图书馆纸质和电子资源,研读中外有关生物—心理—社会医学模式下学生国际化培养的书籍、论文等文献;登陆国内外相关高校网站,了解不同国家高校的教育模式和国际化办学现状;并查阅关于国际项目管理、人才培养机制的政策和资料,再加以分析和利用。3.2个案研究法通过选取一所独立办学的全国重点医学院校——S医科大学,针对该校在医学生国际化培养方面的优劣势、原则、措施、现状与问题进行个案分析,从而揭示我国医学院校在学生国际化培养工作中存在的普遍问题,结合生物—心理—社会医学模式实施医学生国际化培养的有利因素和当前工作实际,提出对策和建议。3.3调查法在现代医学模式理念下,结合医学教育新趋势,对S医科大学学生国际化培养的实践进行调研,包括对学校国际交流与合作处、教务处、国际教育学院等单位人员和部分师资进行访谈和问卷调查,从而获得该校学生国际化培养的最新情况,发现存在的问题,并进行相应的原因分析。同时,通过对美国、德国、新加坡等发达国家医学院校有关专家进行访谈,了解这些学校学生国际化培养情况,以及成功的经验与做法,并讨论对我国医学院校的启示。3.4 SWOT分析法通过对S医科大学的办学优势、劣势和学生国际化培养所面临的机遇与挑战进行分析,并在此基础上深入研究该校学生国际化培养的所采取的策略、取得的成绩以及存在的问题,从而为医学院校如何从自身实际出发开展学生国际化培养带来借鉴意义。3.5比较研究法在深入调查S医科大学学生国际化培养现状的同时,通过对主要发达国家医学院校学生国际化培养情况进行研究,并将两者进行对比,以找出存在差距,提出相关对策。3.6归纳推理法通过对S医科大学和发达国家医学院校学生国际化培养工作的对比研究,归纳总结出推动我国医学生国际化培养工作发展的建议和对策。4.研究结果4.1系统地调查分析了S医科大学学生国际化培养现状及存在问题在分析S医科大学在实施学生国际化培养方面的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁的基础上,对该校学生国际化培养的原则、实施途径进行调查研究,并梳理了学校近年来在学生国际化培养方面所取得的成绩以及存在的问题,同时对产生问题的原因进行深入的总结和探析。4.2对比分析了发达国家医学院校学生国际化培养的成功经验目前发达国家医学院校已将培养学生的国际视野和竞争力作为“精英教育”的重要内容。包括把医学生海外实习计划列入课程大纲,鼓励学生到其他国家医院进行临床轮转,给予相应学分;开展全球卫生培训项目,推动医学生赴发展中国家和欠发达国家,开展热带病研究和医疗援助活动等。在项目组织和执行的过程中,院校重视将办学理念和特色优势与国家的经济、政治和对外关系发展需要相结合,建立国际通用的教育模式,整合学科资源配置,完善服务与保障体系,重视对交流项目质量的把控。4.3总结提出推进我国医学院校学生国际化培养的对策和建议随着医学模式的转变和教育国际化的发展,加快学生国际化培养将成为我国医学院校的重要任务之一。因此需要学校明确国际化办学概念,制定科学的发展规划,理顺内部管理机制,借鉴发达国家先进经验,加快课程体系和学分制度与国际接轨,通过校际交换生项目、中外合作办学项目、海外游学项目等渠道拓宽本土学生出国学习,提高来华留学教育规模,促进中外医学生交流;同时要重视提高师资的国际化水平。5.研究结论5.1树立新医学模式下的医学人才国际化培养新理念医学教育是医学人才培养的重要载体。生物-心理-社会医学模式的建立不仅是医学基本观念的一次重要改革,也对医学教育提出了新的要求和标准。随着世界经济一体化和教育国际化进程的不断加快,培养“五星医生”已成为全球医学教育界的共同课题。《教育部卫生部关于实施卓越医生教育培养计划的意见》明确提出未来我国医学教育目标是“培养一批高层次、国际化的医学拔尖创新人才”。因此,实施国际化培养已成为我国医学教育适应新医学模式发展的必然选择,这也是医学教育管理者必须首先明确的问题。5.2推动课程体系和管理机制改革适应国际化培养要求课程对接与学分转换是交流院校专业培养之间的桥梁,直接关系到学生归国后修业能否顺利完成。但从目前国内医学院校的情况来看,课程体系和学分制度的差异是学生面临的最大问题。因此,医学院校应借鉴国外先进经验,采取“以系统整合为基础,以能力培养为重点,以PBL教学等师生互动为主要教学方式,以提高学生综合素质为目标”的新型医学人才培养模式,构建由核心模块(包括公共基础、人文社科课、系统整合课、技能模块和临床核心课)、选修课程和临床实习三部分组成的新型课程体系,加快完全学分制建设,规范国际交流项目的管理流程从而为医学生的国际化培养打下基础。5.3进一步拓宽医学院校学生国际化培养的途径包括利用发达国家在理工科和人文社科方面的教育优势开展基础阶段的联合培养,输送低年级学生到国外综合性大学学习数学、物理、化学等理科课程及语言、文学、社会学等通识教育课程;鼓励具备一定经济条件的学生利用假期参与海外修学旅行项目,丰富社会实践经历,开阔国际视野:另外,通过与国外医学院校和医学教育机构合作,以及国际医学生组织等项目渠道选拔医学生到海外医疗机构进行临床实习和全球卫生项目,增强其面对陌生医学环境的能力,诊断技能和跨文化沟通能力,增加对国外医疗服务系统的了解。5.4重视师资在学生国际化培养中的关键作用学生和教师是高校国际化发展的核心要素。学生国际化水平的提高离不开教师的指导和培育,所以医学院校在实施学生国际化培养过程中必须将加强师资队伍的国际化建设作为一项重要内容,包括提高海外优秀师资引进和管理水平、加大本土教师出国(境)培训力度、建立国际化的师资管理与激励机制等。
[Abstract]:1. the fundamental goal of medical behavior is to ensure human life and health. As the chief executive of medical activities, the moral integrity and medical technology of the doctor not only affect the well-being of the population, but also affect the stability and development of the whole society. With the intensification of global competition, the governments of all countries in the world will cultivate international competition. As a basic, strategic, forward-looking work, Professor Engel of G.L. Engel, a professor of Medical College of University of Rochester, in 70s, proposed that modern medical model should change from simple biomedical model to biological psycho social medical model, which has become an important milestone in medical history. It not only involves medical history, but also involves medical treatment. The basic concept of learning and the principle of disease prevention and control have also promoted the profound change in the training mode of medical talents. It requires medical colleges and universities to pay more attention to the humanistic quality education in the course of students' training. It emphasizes that the early medical students should participate in community practice and learn to communicate with people from different social and cultural backgrounds. WEME, the WHO West Tai District Office (WHO West Tai District) and the international medical education organization (IIME) have issued the global medical education standards, and the international exchange and cooperation trend in the field of education accelerated under the condition of world economic integration. The international training of students in medical colleges has become one of the most important medical education in our country. To work.S Medical University is one of the largest medical schools in China at present. A case study on the international training of students in the school is carried out, and the successful experience of international training of students in the developed countries' medical colleges and universities is used for the analysis of the shortcomings and reasons for the international training of students in medical colleges and universities. The practical situation and discipline advantages of colleges and universities put forward the Countermeasures of promoting the internationalization of medical talents.2. research significance 2.1 theoretical significance. This subject takes S Medical University as an example. At the same time, it draws lessons from the practice experience of international training of students in medical colleges and universities in developed countries, and focuses on the necessity of training students to carry out international training in medical colleges and universities. Nature, present situation and existing problems, and put forward corresponding countermeasures to provide theoretical support and some constructive opinions for the international training of students in medical colleges and universities in China from the empirical point of view. It also lays the foundation for the follow-up research, and the practical significance of.2.2 is now being carried out in the country. The state is implementing the medical professional certification, "the training of excellent doctors" and so on. The purpose of the project is to cultivate excellent medical talents and enhance the international competitiveness of medical education in China. This subject takes the S Medical University, one of the key universities in China as an example, to analyze the main problems and reasons for the international training of students in the current domestic medical colleges and universities, and to put forward some countermeasures in combination with advanced foreign experience. Promoting the internationalization of medical colleges and universities, cultivating medical talents with international vision and innovation ability, promoting the internationalization of higher education in China and promoting the reform of medical and health services, it has an important practical significance.3. research method 3.1 literature research method, through the paper and electronic resources of the school library, to study the related biology and psychology at home and abroad. - books, papers and other literature on the internationalization of students under the model of social medicine; landing at domestic and foreign related university websites to understand the educational mode and current situation of international schools in different countries; and to consult the policies and materials on the management of international projects and the training mechanism of talents, and then to analyze and use the.3.2 case study method to select them. S Medical University, a national key medical college, which is independent of school, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages, principles, measures, current situation and problems of the school in the international training of medical students, thus revealing the common problems in the international training of students in medical colleges and universities in China, and combining the biologic psycho social medical model. In order to carry out the favorable factors and current work practice of the medical students' internationalization training, the.3.3 investigation method, under the modern medical model concept and the new trend of medical education, is used to investigate the practice of international training of students in S Medical University, including the school international exchange and cooperation department, the educational service department, the International Education Institute and so on. Interviews and questionnaires were conducted among the staff and some teachers to obtain the latest situation of the students' international training, to find out the existing problems and to analyze the relevant reasons. At the same time, through interviews with relevant experts from the developed countries, such as the United States, Germany, Singapore and other developed countries, to understand the international training of the students in these schools, and The successful experience and practice, and discuss the inspiration of.3.4 SWOT analysis to Chinese medical colleges and universities through the analysis of the opportunities and challenges facing S Medical University's advantages, disadvantages and students' internationalization training, and on this basis, study the strategy, achievements and existence of the students' internationalization training. In order to find out how the medical colleges and universities can carry out the international training of students from their own reality, the.3.5 comparative study method is used to investigate the international training situation of students in the Medical University of S, and to find out the international training situation of the students in the medical colleges and universities in the major developed countries, and to compare the two in order to find out the two. There is a gap and the relevant countermeasures.3.6 inductive reasoning is put forward through a comparative study of the international training of students in the Medical University of S and the developed countries. The suggestions and Countermeasures to promote the development of the international training of medical students in China are summed up and the results of.4. research 4.1 are systematically investigated and analyzed for the internationalization of students in the Medical University of S. On the basis of analyzing the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of S Medical University in the implementation of students' internationalization training, this paper investigates the principles and implementation approaches of the students' internationalization training, and combs the achievements and problems in the students' internationalization cultivation in recent years. A thorough summary and analysis of the reasons for the problems arising from the.4.2 comparison and analysis of the successful experience of the international training of students in medical colleges and universities in developed countries. At present, medical colleges and universities in developed countries have trained students' international vision and competitiveness as an important content of "elite education", including the inclusion of the overseas practice program of medical students in the course of the curriculum. To encourage students to carry out clinical rotation and give credit to other national hospitals, carry out global health training programs, promote medical students to developing countries and less developed countries, carry out research on tropical diseases and medical aid activities. In the process of organization and implementation of the project, colleges and universities attach importance to the concept and advantages of school running with the state. The development of economic, political and foreign relations needs to be combined, to establish an international general educational model, to integrate the allocation of subject resources, to improve the service and guarantee system, to attach importance to the.4.3 summary of the quality of the exchange projects and to put forward the countermeasures and suggestions to promote the internationalization of students in medical colleges and universities in China with the change of the medical model and the internationalization of education. It is one of the important tasks for Chinese medical colleges to develop and accelerate the training of students' internationalization. Therefore, it is necessary for the school to clarify the concept of international school, formulate scientific development plan, straighten out the internal management mechanism, draw lessons from the advanced experience of the developed countries, and speed up the curriculum system and the credit system and international integration, through intercollegiate exchange students project, and foreign countries Cooperative education projects, overseas study projects and other channels to broaden the local students to study abroad, improve the scale of education to study in China, promote the exchange of Chinese and foreign medical students; at the same time, we should pay more attention to improving the international level of teachers,.5. research conclusion 5.1, set up a new concept of medical personnel training under the new medical model, medical education is the training of medical talents The establishment of the biological psycho social medical model is not only an important reform of the basic concept of medicine, but also a new requirement and standard for medical education. With the integration of the world economy and the continuous acceleration of the process of education internationalization, the training of "five star doctors" has become a common topic in the global medical education circle. The Ministry of health of the Ministry of health of the Ministry of health on the implementation of the education and training program for excellent doctors clearly stated that the goal of medical education in the future is to "cultivate a number of high-level and international medical top-notch innovative talents". Therefore, the implementation of international training has become an inevitable choice for our medical education to adapt to the development of new medical model, which is also the management of medical education. One must first clear the question.5.2 to promote the curriculum system and the management mechanism reform to adapt to the international training requirements, which is the bridge between the course docking and the credit conversion, which is directly related to the successful completion of the cultivation of the students after the return of the country. The difference is the biggest problem for students. Therefore, medical colleges and universities should adopt the advanced experience of foreign countries and take the core module (including the public, including the system integration as the basis, the ability training as the focal point, the PBL teaching and other teachers and students interaction as the main teaching mode and the students' comprehensive quality as the goal ". The new curriculum system composed of three parts, namely, common foundation, humanities and Social Sciences, system integration, skill modules and clinical core courses, is composed of three parts of elective courses and clinical practice, speeding up the construction of complete credit system, standardizing the management process of international exchange projects and laying a foundation for the internationalization of medical students to further broaden the internationalization of medical college students. The ways of training include the joint training of the developed countries in the basic stage of education in the fields of science and engineering and the humanities and Social Sciences, and the delivery of students from lower grades to foreign comprehensive universities to study mathematics, physics, chemistry and other science courses, language, literature, sociology and other general education courses, and encourage students with certain economic conditions. Taking part in overseas study travel projects with holidays, enriching social practice and broadening international vision: in addition, clinical practice and global health projects are selected for medical students to overseas medical institutions through cooperation with medical institutions and medical education institutions in foreign countries, and international medical students' organizations. Ability, diagnostic skills and cross-cultural communication skills, increasing understanding of foreign medical service system,.5.4 attaches great importance to the key role of teachers in the training of students' internationalization. Students and teachers are the core elements of the international development of colleges and universities. The improvement of students' internationalization level can not be separated from the guidance and cultivation of teachers, so medical colleges and universities are implementing students. In the process of international training, it is necessary to strengthen the internationalization of the teachers' team as an important content, including improving the level of the introduction and management of excellent overseas teachers, strengthening the training of the local teachers to go abroad, and establishing an international teacher management and incentive mechanism.


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