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发布时间:2018-08-07 13:29
【摘要】:作为知识女性中最年轻最富有朝气的一个群体,女大学生就业问题一直引人注目。中共十八大报告中强调:“就业是民生之本。引导劳动者转变就业观念,鼓励多渠道多形式就业,,促进创业带动就业,做好以高校毕业生为重点的青年就业工作。”因此,为了解决女大学生这一特殊群体的就业问题,当务之急就是要转变女大学生择业观。 本文通过对本科毕业女大学生进行问卷调查和访谈,力求在全面了解女大学生择业观现状的基础上,根据现状中存在的问题对影响女大学生择业观的因素进行分析,从思想政治教育的视角帮助女大学生树立科学择业观,促进女大学生合理择业和顺利就业。本文研究的内容主要由四个部分构成: 第一部分:我国女大学生择业观的内涵。主要阐述了女大学生择业观的含义、特点、科学择业观的含义以及树立科学择业观的必要性。 第二部分:我国女大学生择业观的现状和分析。采用发放问卷和个别访谈的形式对上海师范大学各学科本科毕业生(即2012届毕业生)进行择业观的调查。主要从择业认知状况、择业期望目标、择业心理状态、择业价值取向以及择业实现途径五个方面进行调查和分析,得出女大学生择业观的积极倾向和突出存在的问题。 第三部分:我国女大学生择业观的影响因素分析。主要从自身因素、学校因素、家庭因素和社会环境因素四个方面进行分析。 第四部分:树立科学择业观的思想政治教育对策。女大学生树立科学择业观,需要从女大学生的主观准备、思想政治教育的积极引导、社会和家庭的双重合力三方面共同努力。
[Abstract]:As the youngest and most energetic group of educated women, the employment problem of female college students has been attracting attention. The report of the 18th CPC National Congress stressed: "Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood." To guide workers to change their concept of employment, to encourage multi-channel and multi-form employment, to promote entrepreneurship and promote employment, and to do a good job of youth employment with the emphasis on college graduates. " Therefore, in order to solve the employment problem of female college students, the urgent task is to change the concept of female college students. Based on the investigation and interview of female undergraduate students, this paper tries to analyze the factors that affect the female college students' view of career selection on the basis of a comprehensive understanding of the present situation of female college students' view on job selection, according to the existing problems in the present situation. From the angle of ideological and political education, it helps the female college students to set up the scientific view of choosing jobs, and to promote the female college students to choose their jobs reasonably and obtain employment smoothly. The content of this paper is mainly composed of four parts: the first part: the connotation of female college students'concept of career selection. This paper mainly expounds the meaning and characteristics of female college students' view of employment, the meaning of scientific outlook on employment and the necessity of setting up scientific outlook on employment. The second part: the present situation and analysis of female college students' job selection. By means of questionnaires and individual interviews, a survey was conducted on the employment outlook of undergraduate graduates of Shanghai normal University (that is, the class of 2012). From five aspects: cognition, expectation, psychological state, value orientation and the way to realize career selection, the positive tendency and outstanding problems of female college students' view on job selection are obtained. The third part: the analysis of the influencing factors of female college students' job selection. Mainly from self-factor, school factor, family factor and social environment factor four aspects carries on the analysis. The fourth part: the ideological and political education countermeasure of setting up the scientific view of choosing a job. It is necessary for female college students to set up a scientific view of job selection from three aspects: subjective preparation of female college students, positive guidance of ideological and political education, and joint efforts of society and family.


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1 陈福蓉;我国高校女大学生择业观探析[D];华中师范大学;2014年




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