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发布时间:2018-08-08 11:47
【摘要】:大学生是祖国的未来,民族的希望,承担着传承和创新中华民族文化的重任。只有提高他们对民族文化的认同感,增强其文化自觉和文化自信,他们才能更好地承担起这一历史重任。从现实情况来看,虽然大部分大学生对民族文化有较强的认同感,但毋庸讳言,由于各种因素的影响,也有部分大学生的这种认同感不强。采取措施帮助大学生解决这些问题,提高大学生对民族文化的认同感,增强其文化自觉和文化自信,是当前大学生思想政治教育重要的理论和实践课题。本文不揣浅陋,尝试从实践的角度对这一课题进行探讨。 除导论外,本文分为四个部分:第一部分,阐述培育大学生民族文化认同感的重要性。在阐释大学生民族文化认同含义的基础上,论述了培育大学生民族文化认同感的重要意义:有助于增强大学生的民族精神,有助于培养大学生的人文精神,有助于大学生增强社会责任感。第二部分,分析大学生民族文化认同感不强的主要表现:大学生对民族主导文化认可度不高,对民族传统文化缺乏敬畏,对大众文化中格调不高内容的追捧,对西方文化盲目崇拜。第三部分,探究大学生民族文化认同感不强的原因:一是历史上某种程度的文化断层的消极影响,二是文化发展偏向的方面影响,三是东西方文化对民族文化的冲击,四是大众传播导向的偏误,五是对大学生的教育引导乏力。第四部分,提出加强大学生民族文化认同感培育的对策:加强民族文化建设,为大学生民族文化认同感培育奠定基础;整合文化教育资源,形成大学生民族文化认同感培育的合力;拓展文化育人渠道,强化大学生民族文化认同感培育;加强舆论引导,营造大学生民族文化认同感培育的氛围;引导大学生自觉践行民族文化,促使其内化民族文化。
[Abstract]:College students are the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation, shouldering the important task of inheriting and innovating the Chinese culture. Only by raising their identity to national culture, enhancing their cultural consciousness and cultural self-confidence, can they better shoulder this historical responsibility. From the point of view of reality, although most college students have a strong sense of identity to the national culture, there is no denying that due to the influence of various factors, some college students do not have such a strong sense of identity. It is an important theoretical and practical subject of ideological and political education for college students to take measures to help them solve these problems, improve their identity to national culture, and enhance their cultural consciousness and cultural self-confidence. This paper tries to discuss this subject from the perspective of practice. In addition to the introduction, this paper is divided into four parts: the first part expounds the importance of cultivating college students' national cultural identity. On the basis of explaining the meaning of college students' national cultural identity, this paper discusses the important significance of cultivating college students' national cultural identity: it is helpful to strengthen the national spirit of college students and to cultivate the humanistic spirit of college students. It helps college students to strengthen their sense of social responsibility. The second part analyzes the main manifestations of college students' weak sense of national cultural identity: college students do not have a high degree of recognition of the national dominant culture, lack of awe to the traditional culture of the nation, and pursuit of the content of low style in the popular culture. Blind worship of Western culture. The third part explores the reasons why college students' national cultural identity is not strong: first, the negative influence of a certain degree of cultural fault in history, second, the influence of cultural development bias; third, the impact of eastern and western cultures on national culture. The fourth is the bias of mass communication guidance, and the fifth is the weakness of education guidance to college students. The fourth part puts forward the countermeasures of strengthening the cultivation of college students' national cultural identity: strengthening the construction of national culture, laying a foundation for the cultivation of college students' national cultural identity, and integrating cultural and educational resources. Forming the resultant force of the cultivation of college students' national cultural identity, expanding the channels of cultural education, strengthening the cultivation of college students' national cultural identity, strengthening the guidance of public opinion, and creating the atmosphere for the cultivation of college students' national cultural identity; Guide college students to practice national culture consciously and promote their internalization.


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