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发布时间:2018-08-07 22:10
【摘要】:吃苦耐劳对于每一个人,尤其对于大学生来说,是必须具备的基本品质之一。当前,大学生吃苦耐劳品质缺失已是一个不争的事实,更是一个不容忽视的现实。吃苦耐劳品质是大学生内在意志品质最外在的表现,也是当前素质教育中最为忽视的、最为缺乏的教育,而随着社会的不断向前发展,更是越来越凸显其社会价值。不得不引起我们的反思“大学生吃苦耐劳品质的培养”到底该如何实施?与哪些教育行动密切相关?如何提高教育的实效性等问题。 中华民族自古以来就以吃苦耐劳、勤劳勇敢而著称。从最初的大禹治水到如今的艰苦奋斗,历经五千年文明的发展历史,吃苦耐劳思想不断的被丰富。江泽民同志告诫我们“一个国家、一个民族,如果不提倡艰苦奋斗、勤俭建国,人们只想在前人创造的物质文明成果上坐享其成、贪图享乐、不图进取,那末,这样的国家,这样的民族,是毫无希望的,没有不走向衰落的”[1]。随着社会经济的进步和社会文明的发展,吃苦耐劳品质在当今社会中越来越凸显其时代价值。而今日之大学生是建设明日之祖国大业的中流砥柱,吃苦耐劳品质的培养既是时代对大学生提出的客观要求,又是大学生自身全面健康发展的切实需要,是当代大学生成才的必由之路和基本条件。因此,加强大学生吃苦耐劳品质培养,是整个社会的当务之急,,也是大学生成长成才的迫切需要,因而必须提上高校思想道德教育的日程。 本文针对当前大学生吃苦耐劳品质培养缺失这一现实课题,在理论与实践的结合上,从梳理归纳吃苦耐劳的基本理论着手,探讨了吃苦耐劳品质对大学生成长成才的重要作用,并通过对“人的全面发展”、“需要层次理论”等理论的论述,得出了对大学生实施吃苦耐劳教育的必要性及其可能性,进而在分析大学生吃苦耐劳品质缺失的主要表现与原因基础之上,探索性的提出“实施以体验和情感生成为基础的学校吃苦耐劳教育”的策略研究,系统性、针对性、现实性、实践性的对大学生吃苦耐劳品质的培养进行了综合探讨。本文共分为四个部分。 第一部分吃苦耐劳的理论的综合概述。这一部分着重阐述了吃苦耐劳品质的内涵以及大学生吃苦耐劳品质的基本内涵,同时通过对中国古代吃苦耐劳思想以及将吃苦耐劳品质培养当作基础教育的国外思想进行了分别剖析,进而初步厘清了大学生吃苦耐劳品质培养的理论基础。 第二部分大学生吃苦耐劳教育的必要性及其可能性的论述。这一部分对大学生吃苦耐劳教育的必要性和可能性进行了理论上的论证。大学生吃苦耐劳品质培养的必要性,表现在两个方面,一是实现中华民族伟大复兴对大学生提出的客观要求,二是大学生自身全面健康发展的迫切需要。大学生吃苦耐劳品质培养的可能性则依存于“人的全面发展”、“需要层次理论”以及吃苦耐劳教育环境的改善等。 第三部分大学生吃苦耐劳品质缺失的主要表现及其成因分析。这一部分首先对大学生吃苦耐劳品质缺失的主要表现进行了描述和概括,重点指出大学生在生活、学习、就业三个方面存在的问题。文章认为,大学生受教学校的制约性、大学生受教家庭的制约性、大学生受教内容的制约性以及大学生受教社会的制约性是造成大学生吃苦耐劳品质缺失的重要原因。 第四部分完善大学生吃苦耐劳品质的对策。论文认为,大学生吃苦耐劳品质培养是一个长期、复杂、艰巨的系统工程。首先,它需要思想道德教育自身的不断探索与变革,找出一条切实与大学生身心发展特点相吻合的可行之路。本文提出“实施以体验和情感生成为基础的学校吃苦耐劳教育”的方法,并分别从理论和实践方面进行阐述,提出了一些可行性措施。其次,构建一个良好的外部吃苦耐劳培养环境。最后,对吃苦耐劳教育加以整合,将大学生吃苦耐劳品质培养与思想道德教育教育内、外部各个方面统一起来,才能相得益彰,形成良性循环,共同为培养大学生吃苦耐劳品质发挥整体效益。
[Abstract]:Hardworking and hard work is one of the basic qualities that must be possessed for every person, especially for college students. At present, it is an indisputable fact that it is an indisputable fact for college students to suffer from hard work and hard work. The quality of hardworking and hard work is the most external manifestation of the inner will quality of college students, and the most important in the current quality education. The neglect, the most lack of education, and with the continuous development of the society, more and more prominent its social value. It has to arouse our reflection on how to carry out the "cultivation of the quality of the hardworking and hard work of the college students"? What educational actions are closely related to it? How to raise the effectiveness of higher education and so on.
The Chinese nation has been known for its hard work and hardworking and bravery since ancient times. From the original great Yu to today's hard struggle, after a history of five thousand years of civilization, the thought of hardworking and hard work has been constantly enriched. Comrade Jiang Zemin warned us that "a nation, a nation, if we do not advocate hard struggle, hardworking and frugal, people only think." On the basis of the achievements of the material civilization created by the predecessors, it is the desire to enjoy the enjoyment and not to be enterprising. At that end, such a nation, such a nation, is not hopeless, and is not going to decline. [1]., with the progress of the society and economy and the development of social civilization, is becoming more and more important in today's society. College students are the mainstay of the construction of the great cause of the motherland in the tomorrow. The cultivation of hardworking and hard work is not only the objective requirement of the times for college students, but also the practical need for the comprehensive and healthy development of the college students. It is the only way and basic condition for the present college students to become talented people. Therefore, it is the whole society to strengthen the quality of the students' hardworking and hard work. The most urgent task of the conference is also the urgent need for university students to grow and become talented. Therefore, it is necessary to put on the agenda of Ideological and moral education in Colleges and universities.
On the basis of the combination of theory and practice, this paper, based on the combination of theory and practice, discusses the important role of the quality of hardworking and hard work on the growth of college students, and through the theory of "the overall development of human beings" and "need the theory of hierarchy of needs". On the basis of the analysis of the main manifestations and reasons for the lack of hardworking quality of college students, this paper explores the strategic research, systematicness, pertinence and reality, on the basis of the analysis of the main manifestations and reasons for the lack of hardworking quality of college students. The practice has made a comprehensive discussion on the cultivation of the hardworking and hardworking quality of college students. This article is divided into four parts.
The first part is a comprehensive overview of the theory of hardworking and hard work. This part focuses on the connotation of the quality of hardworking and hard work and the basic connotation of the quality of the hardworking and hard work of the university students. At the same time, the foreign thoughts of the ancient Chinese thought and the cultivation of hardworking and durable quality are respectively analyzed, and then the preliminary analysis is made. It clarifies the theoretical foundation of the quality cultivation of college students.
The second part is the necessity and possibility of the college students' hardworking and hard work education. The necessity and possibility of the college students' hardworking and hard work education are theoretically demonstrated. The necessity of the cultivation of the quality of the hardworking and hard work of the college students is shown in two aspects, one is to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to the college students. The two is the urgent need for the all-round and healthy development of college students. The possibility of College Students' training for hardworking and hard work depends on the "all-round development of people", "the theory of needs level" and the improvement of the environment of hardworking and hard work.
The third part of the main performance and analysis of the lack of hard-working quality of college students. This part first describes and generalizes the main manifestations of the lack of hard-working quality of college students, and points out the problems in the three aspects of life, learning and employment of college students. The restrictive nature of the teaching family, the restrictive nature of the content of the college students and the restrictive nature of the college students' teaching society are the important reasons for the lack of the quality of the college students' hardworking and hard work.
The fourth part is the countermeasures to improve the quality of hardworking and hard work of college students. The paper holds that the cultivation of the quality of hardworking and hard work is a long-term, complex and arduous system engineering. First, it needs the continuous exploration and reform of Ideological and moral education, and finds a feasible way to match the development characteristics of college students. The implementation of the method of hard work education based on experience and emotion generation, and from the theoretical and practical aspects, and put forward some feasible measures. Secondly, to build a good environment for the cultivation of external hardship and hard work. Finally, the integration of hardworking and hard work education, and the cultivation of hardworking and hard work quality of college students and thought. In the view of moral education and education, all aspects of the outside world can be unified to complement each other and form a virtuous circle, together to bring up the overall benefit of cultivating the quality of College Students' hardworking and hard work.


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1 孙曙峦;[N];人民日报海外版;2012年




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