[Abstract]:Self-research (self-study) is the tradition of colleges and departments evaluation in western developed countries, such as the United States and the United States, and it is a basic and mature practice form for western colleges and universities to carry out internal evaluation of faculties and departments. It reflects the characteristics of western university system and the tradition of cherishing academic freedom in the academic community of western higher education. The evaluation cases of western colleges and departments show that, at least in the four levels of higher education system, universities, colleges and departments, they have carried out their own research with their own characteristics. With the increasing influence of accountability, quality assurance and performance thinking in higher education, colleges and departments, as the basic organizational units of colleges and universities, are facing a series of reform issues. The necessity and motivation of further strengthening the evaluation research or exploration in this field is becoming more and more obvious.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学高等教育研究所;
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