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发布时间:2018-08-11 15:59
【摘要】:随着我国社会经济不断发展和教育体制改革不断深入,高等教育事业迎来一个快速发展时期,高校学生管理工作也进入了一个新的发展阶段。近年来随着高校扩招后学生人数的增多,学生群体特点的显著变化,传统的高校学生管理模式已很难适应新形势发展的需要,必须用新的视角加以审视。 本文对学生管理模式相关核心概念进行了界定,确立了学生管理模式研究的逻辑起点。探讨了高校学生管理模式构建的人性假设理论、领导生命周期理论、学生发展理论,指出高校学生管理模式构建应把握主体性原则、引导性原则、差异性原则和专业化原则。通过对美国和中国学生管理历史的梳理比较了两国在学生管理中的不同。通过不同类型高校学生管理模式的比较,,阐述了研究型大学、教学研究型大学和教学型大学在学生管理模式选择上的差异、管理模式的实现差异和优劣势。对我国高校学生管理新型模式的职能进行分析,提出了我国高校新型学生管理模式,并分析了其特点和关键因素。 构建高校学生管理模式是一项系统工程,各高校需根据自身特点,不断改进和完善学生管理模式,以适应社会经济和高等教育发展的需要。本论文提出构建高校学生新型管理模式,这一研究为今后的学生管理实践提供了参考。
[Abstract]:With the development of our country's social economy and the deepening of educational system reform, the cause of higher education has ushered in a period of rapid development, and the management of college students has entered a new stage of development. In recent years, with the increase of the number of students and the significant changes of the characteristics of the students' group, the traditional management mode of college students has been difficult to adapt to the needs of the development of the new situation, and must be examined from a new angle of view. This paper defines the core concepts of student management model and establishes the logical starting point of student management model research. This paper probes into the theory of human nature hypothesis, the theory of leading life cycle and the theory of student development, and points out that the construction of university student management mode should grasp the principle of subjectivity, guiding principle, difference principle and specialization principle. By combing the history of student management in the United States and China, the differences between the two countries in student management are compared. Through the comparison of student management models of different types of colleges and universities, this paper expounds the differences in the choice of student management modes, the realization differences and the advantages and disadvantages of research universities, teaching and research universities and teaching universities. This paper analyzes the functions of the new mode of student management in colleges and universities in China, puts forward the new mode of student management in colleges and universities in China, and analyzes its characteristics and key factors. It is a systematic project to construct the management mode of students in colleges and universities. According to their own characteristics, colleges and universities should constantly improve and perfect the management mode of students in order to meet the needs of the development of social economy and higher education. This paper proposes to construct a new management model for college students, which provides a reference for the practice of student management in the future.


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