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发布时间:2018-08-13 09:26
【摘要】:当代中国正经历着空前广泛的社会变革。在这样的社会背景下,如何做好青年大学生的理想信念教育工作是一项重要课题。大学生理想信念教育历来是中国共产党高度重视的一项教育活动,在长期的教育实践中取得了辉煌的成果。当前,我国大学生群体的理想信念状况总体良好,但在一部分人身上也存在理想信念不坚定的现象。要让大学生牢固树立科学的理想信念,关键在于加强以思想政治理论课为主渠道的大学生理想信念教育。从目前来看,大学生理想信念教育还存在一些需要改进的问题,从学生主体性角度出发的大学生理想信念教育实效性研究有待加强。在广泛调查的基础上开展大学生理想信念教育实效性研究,可以帮助教育者更有效地开展理想信念教育工作,帮助大学生更有效地接受理想信念教育。本研究旨在通过探索钻研,进一步提高理想信念教育的实效性,帮助大学生成长成才,为中国特色社会主义建设服务。 本文以马克思主义的相关理论作为指导,按照党中央关于理想信念教育的要求,从理想信念的内涵、内容和作用的阐述入手,剖析了学校教育、社会环境和学生主体三大因素对理想信念形成的影响,探讨了理想信念教育的特殊性,并通过对来自四所大学的424名在校本科学生的调查,了解了大学生理想信念教育的现状、存在的问题以及大学生对理想信念教育的需求。调查发现,大学生们认为理想信念教育效果尚存提高空间,,理想信念教育存在着忽视学生兴趣和需求等问题。调查表明,大学生对理想信念教育的需求表现在以下几个方面。目标上,大学生希望理想信念教育能够对个人的生活和职业发展规划进行指导,注重知识、能力、素质的培养;内容上,大学生对社会热点兴趣浓厚,对理论知识重视不足;途径上,大学生热衷于社会实践教学,对网络信息渠道十分敏感。 针对这些情况,笔者认为提高理想信念教育的实效性应该坚持适应性原则、时代性原则和实践性原则;兼顾知识、能力、素质的发展;用社会热点和时政要闻充实教育内容,将贴近学生实际的内容与理论知识充分结合;开展体验式实践教学,创新网络平台的互动教育。实现这些建议对策,应当能够使教育教学活动更好地满足大学生需求,使大学生理想信念教育实效性进一步提高。
[Abstract]:Contemporary China is experiencing unprecedented and extensive social changes. In such a social background, how to do a good job in the ideal and belief education of young college students is an important subject. The education of college students' ideals and beliefs has always been an educational activity attached great importance to by the Communist Party of China and has made brilliant achievements in the long term educational practice. At present, the ideal and belief of college students in our country is in good condition, but there is also the phenomenon that the ideal and belief are not firm in some people. In order to set up the scientific ideal and belief firmly, the key lies in strengthening the college students' ideal and belief education which takes the ideological and political theory course as the main channel. At present, there are still some problems that need to be improved in college students' ideal and belief education, and the research on the effectiveness of college students' ideal and belief education from the perspective of students' subjectivity needs to be strengthened. On the basis of extensive investigation, the research on the effectiveness of college students' ideal and belief education can help the educators to carry out the ideal and belief education more effectively, and to help the college students to receive the ideal and belief education more effectively. The purpose of this study is to improve the effectiveness of ideal and belief education, to help college students grow up and become talents, and to serve the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Under the guidance of the relevant Marxist theories and in accordance with the requirements of the Party Central Committee on the education of ideals and beliefs, this paper begins with the elaboration of the connotation, content and function of ideal and belief, and analyzes the school education. The influence of social environment and students' main body on the formation of ideal and belief is discussed, the particularity of ideal and belief education is discussed, and through the investigation of 424 undergraduate students from four universities, the present situation of college students' ideal and belief education is understood. Existing problems and college students' demand for ideal and belief education. The investigation shows that college students think that there is room for improvement in the effect of ideal and belief education, and that there are some problems in ideal and belief education, such as neglecting students' interests and needs, etc. The investigation shows that college students' demand for ideal and belief education is shown in the following aspects. On the objective, the college students hope that the ideal and belief education can guide the personal life and career development planning, pay attention to the cultivation of knowledge, ability and quality, and in the content, college students have a strong interest in the social hot spots, and pay less attention to the theoretical knowledge. On the way, college students are keen on social practice teaching and sensitive to network information channels. In view of these conditions, the author thinks that to improve the effectiveness of ideal and belief education, we should adhere to the principle of adaptability, the principle of the times and the principle of practice, give consideration to the development of knowledge, ability and quality, enrich the contents of education with social hot spots and political highlights. It combines the practical content of students with theoretical knowledge, develops experiential practical teaching, and innovates the interactive education of network platform. The realization of these suggestions and countermeasures should be able to better meet the needs of college students in education and teaching activities, and further improve the effectiveness of college students' education of ideals and beliefs.


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