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发布时间:2018-08-13 14:36
【摘要】:经过30多年的发展,我国民办高校取得了长足发展,社会认可度增高,办学质量得到了明显提升,逐渐发展成为我国高等教育中一支重要的不可忽视的力量。但是,随着社会的发展,竞争压力越来越大,民办高校所处的形势依然很严峻,师资力量就是其中的一个重要方面。要想在复杂激烈的竞争环境中取得优势,实现民办高校的长期健康稳定发展,首要任务是充实师资力量,提升师资质量和素质。薪酬福利对教师而言是其切身利益,很大程度上是高校对教师价值的直接肯定,它与民办高校人力资源管理和人才资源的优化配置息息相关。优化教师的薪酬福利制度是民办高校实现高效的人力资源管理、人才资源优化配置以及人力资本激励效果的有效途径。 有鉴于此,本研究运用调查问卷法和文献研究法,通过对武汉市三所极具代表性的民办高校教师的薪酬福利状况进行调查分析,了解了影响教师薪酬福利的因素,发现了样本民办高校教师薪酬福利制度存在的问题并分析原因,并借助薪酬福利制度设计的几种代表性基础理论,结合薪酬福利制度设计的基本原则和思路,尝试构建了更有利于吸引和留住人才的薪酬福利制度。 本论文主要包括以下三个方面: 第一部分对民办高校、薪酬和福利等概念进行界定。在研究相关问题之前,对研究对象所涉及到的相关内容进行概念上的界定,明确研究对象和范围,进而简要介绍了与薪酬福利制度相关的几种代表性理论。 第二部分是问卷的设计与调查,重点是通过对调查结果的统计与分析,归纳出了三所民办高校教师薪酬福利制度存在的问题并分析了产生这些问题的原因。 第三部分是借助薪酬福利制度的几种代表性基础理论,结合薪酬福利制度设计的基本原则和基本思路,初步探讨了设计更趋合理、更有利于吸引和留住人才的民办高校教师薪酬福利制度
[Abstract]:After more than 30 years of development, private colleges and universities in our country have made great progress, the social recognition has increased, the quality of running schools has been obviously improved, and has gradually developed into an important force that can not be ignored in the higher education of our country. However, with the development of society, the competitive pressure is increasing, and the situation of private colleges and universities is still very severe, among which teacher strength is one of the important aspects. In order to gain advantages in the complicated and fierce competitive environment and realize the long-term healthy and stable development of private colleges and universities, the most important task is to enrich the teaching staff and improve the quality and quality of teachers. Salary and welfare is the vital interest of teachers and to a large extent the direct affirmation of teachers' value in colleges and universities. It is closely related to the management of human resources and the optimal allocation of human resources in private colleges and universities. Optimizing the salary and welfare system of teachers is an effective way to realize the efficient human resource management, the optimal allocation of human resources and the incentive effect of human capital in private colleges and universities. In view of this, this study uses questionnaire and literature research method to investigate and analyze the salary and welfare status of teachers in three representative private colleges and universities in Wuhan, and to understand the factors that affect teachers' salary and welfare. This paper finds out the problems existing in the salary and welfare system of the teachers in private colleges and universities, and analyzes the reasons. With the help of several representative basic theories of salary and welfare system design, the author combines the basic principles and ideas of the salary and welfare system design. Tried to build a more conducive to attract and retain talent compensation and welfare system. This paper mainly includes the following three aspects: the first part defines the concepts of private colleges, salaries and benefits. Before studying the related problems, this paper defines the relevant contents of the research object, defines the object and scope of the study, and then briefly introduces several representative theories related to the salary and welfare system. The second part is the design and investigation of the questionnaire, focusing on the statistical analysis of the results of the survey, summed up the three private colleges and universities teachers' salary and welfare system problems and analyzed the causes of these problems. In the third part, with the help of several representative basic theories of salary and welfare system, combined with the basic principles and basic ideas of salary and welfare system design, the author preliminarily discusses that the design is more reasonable. The salary and Welfare system of Teachers in Private Colleges and Universities which is more conducive to attracting and retaining talents


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