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发布时间:2018-08-14 09:36
【摘要】:2011年,我国高等教育学校(机构)普通本科、专科生在校学生数达到2300余万人。随着我国高校规模不断扩大、社会经济转型升级、网络技术的普及,大学生在道德、价值观上发生了巨大的变化,学生自杀事件、校园火灾、校园暴力事件等校园危机层出不穷,并显示出易发性和破坏性。这不仅对学校的和谐发展带来威胁,也对高校传统管理观念与体制提出挑战,如何应对校园危机成为高校迫切需要解决的问题。 本文首先在对国内外相关研究成果进行分析整理的基础上,结合了管理学、社会学等相关理论,对危机、突发事件、校园危机管理这几个概念给出了自己的看法和界定,并对危机和突发事件这一对相似的概念做出区别,以明确本文的研究对象。之后通过一些常见的事例对高校校园危机事件做出分类,并将高校校园危机的特点归纳为:社会地位特殊,受关注程度高;辐射速度快,,影响范围广泛;主体思想性格活跃,行为冲动过激;诱因复杂,处理困难四个方面。 其次,为了客观、全面的了解当前我国高校校园危机应对的现状,笔者采取发放问卷的形式进行了信息的收集。2012年3月,笔者选取了南京工业大学、河海大学、应天学院三所学校共400名在校学生进行问卷调查,并对南京工业大学个别辅导员、党政机关领导进行了访谈。通过调查,笔者总结出学校在校园危机管理方面存在五个方面的问题:缺乏规范的校园危机知识教育;缺乏校园危机应对体制保障;危机管理理念落后;信息沟通不畅;缺乏恢复评估措施。之后从社会生态学的角度将高校校园危机的诱因划分为社会、学校、家庭、个人四大方面,并结合调查问卷进行分析。 最后,综合对我国高校校园危机现状的描述,基于对高校校园危机发生原因的分析,从危机的预防阶段、危机的处置阶段、危机的恢复阶段这三个方面对高校校园危机事件的应对提出一些措施,并认为,高校校园危机的应对应当以预防危机的发生为重点,科学处置危机事件为核心,做好危机后的评估恢复工作为关键,将校园危机管理纳入到学校日常的工作中去。
[Abstract]:In 2011, the number of undergraduate students in Colleges and universities in China reached more than 23 million. With the continuous expansion of universities, social and economic transformation and upgrading, the popularization of network technology, college students have undergone tremendous changes in morality and values, student suicides, campus fires, campus violence and other campus dangers. It not only threatens the harmonious development of the university, but also challenges the traditional management concept and system of the university. How to deal with the campus crisis has become an urgent problem for the university to solve.
Firstly, based on the analysis and collation of relevant research results at home and abroad, combined with the relevant theories of management and sociology, this paper gives its own views and definitions on the concepts of crisis, emergency and campus crisis management, and makes a distinction between the two similar concepts of crisis and emergency in order to clarify the study of this paper. Subject. Then, through some common examples to classify the college campus crisis, and the characteristics of the college campus crisis are summarized as follows: special social status, high degree of concern; rapid radiation, a wide range of influence; subject thinking and personality active, excessive impulse behavior; complex incentives, difficult to deal with four aspects.
Secondly, in order to objectively and comprehensively understand the current situation of college campus crisis response in China, the author collects information by sending out questionnaires. In March 2012, the author selected 400 students from Nanjing University of Technology, Hehai University and Yingtian University to conduct a questionnaire survey, and gave individual counseling to Nanjing University of Technology. Through investigation, the author concludes that there are five problems in campus crisis management: lack of standardized campus crisis knowledge education; lack of campus crisis response system guarantee; backward crisis management concept; poor information communication; lack of recovery and evaluation measures. From the perspective of ecology, this paper divides the causes of campus crisis into four aspects: society, school, family and individual, and analyzes them with questionnaires.
Finally, based on the comprehensive description of the present situation of the campus crisis in our country and the analysis of the causes of the campus crisis, this paper puts forward some measures to deal with the campus crisis from the three aspects of the crisis prevention stage, the crisis disposal stage and the crisis recovery stage, and believes that the campus crisis should be dealt with in order to prevent the crisis. The occurrence of the opportunity is the key point, the scientific disposal of the crisis is the core, the post-crisis assessment and recovery is the key, and the campus crisis management is brought into the daily work of the school.


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