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发布时间:2018-08-14 12:09
【摘要】:随着我国社会主义市场经济的不断发展,社会关系变得日益复杂,诚实信用这一道德品质显得尤为重要,小到个人的发展和进步,大到一个国家、民族的繁荣,都离不开信用,它是保证国民经济稳定有序发展的重要基石。但由于目前我国的市场经济机制还不完善,很多领域为了追逐个人利益,忽视了诚信的重要性,不诚信现象屡见不鲜,各行各业信用缺失严重。大学生作为重要的社会群体,他们是国家和民族的希望,将来是社会主义建设的主力军,其诚信状况会直接影响到社会的进步和发展。建立大学生信用档案,不仅有利于提高大学生的诚信意识,而且有利于我国社会信用体系的建立和完善。 当前,大学生群体的主流思想意识是积极向上,大部分都具有诚实守信的思想道德品质,但是信用缺失的现象仍然存在于部分学生中,比如考试作弊、论文抄袭、拖欠国家助学贷款等不良行为,目前很多高校除了开展大学生的系统思想政治教育培养其诚信道德品质外,还建立了大学生信用档案,以监督大学生的信用行为。本文借鉴已有的研究成果,针对目前大学生中存在的信用缺失现象,指出建立大学生信用档案的必要性和重要意义,并结合高校建立大学生信用档案的具体实践总结了大学生信用档案的主要内容和建立方式,以及大学生信用档案在宏观和微观上的管理模式,最后针对大学生信用档案建立和管理中的问题提出了具体对策。 具体来说,本文主要分为五个部分,第一部分为绪论,介绍了本文的研究目的、意义、国内外研究现状、主要研究内容、研究思路和方法以及创新点;第二部分信用和信用档案,包括信用的概念、信用档案的概念及种类;第三部分是中国大学生信用档案的建立,从建立大学生信用档案的必要性和重要意义出发,探讨了中国大学生信用档案的主要内容及建立方式;第四部分为中国大学生信用档案的管理,分别从大学生信用档案的宏观管理和微观管理两方面入手,将大学生信用档案利用作为微观管理的一个具体业务环节论述,从总体上阐述大学生信用档案应如何具体管理;第五部分为中国大学生信用档案建立和管理中存在的问题和解决对策。 总的来说,建立大学生信用档案是一项复杂的系统工程,要坚持“统一领导、分级管理”的原则,同时国家相关部门要建立和完善大学生信用档案法律法规体系,确保大学生信用档案有法可依。有关工作者根据大学生信用档案的收集范围和鉴定评估标准,利用现代化的管理手段实现大学生信用档案的科学有效管理和准确查询,实现全国范围内的资源共享。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of the socialist market economy in our country, social relations become more and more complicated. The moral quality of honesty and credit is particularly important, ranging from the development and progress of individuals to the prosperity of a country and a nation, all of which cannot be separated from credit. It is the important cornerstone of ensuring the stable and orderly development of the national economy. However, because the market economy mechanism of our country is not perfect at present, in order to pursue personal interests, many fields ignore the importance of honesty and credit, the phenomenon of dishonesty is common, and the credit deficiency of various industries is serious. College students as an important social group, they are the hope of the country and the nation, in the future is the main force of socialist construction, its credit situation will directly affect the progress and development of society. The establishment of college students' credit archives is not only conducive to the improvement of college students' credit consciousness, but also to the establishment and perfection of our country's social credit system. At present, the mainstream ideology of college students is positive, most of them have honest and trustworthy ideological and moral qualities, but the phenomenon of lack of credit still exists in some students, such as cheating in exams, plagiarism of papers, At present, many colleges and universities not only carry out systematic ideological and political education for college students to cultivate their integrity and moral quality, but also establish credit files for college students to supervise their credit behavior. Based on the existing research results, this paper points out the necessity and significance of establishing college students' credit files in view of the phenomenon of credit deficiency existing in college students at present. Combined with the concrete practice of establishing college students' credit archives, this paper summarizes the main contents and methods of establishing college students' credit archives, and the management mode of college students' credit archives on the macro and micro level. Finally, the paper puts forward concrete countermeasures to the problems in the establishment and management of college students' credit files. Specifically, this paper is divided into five parts, the first part is an introduction, introduced the purpose, significance, domestic and foreign research status, the main research content, research ideas and methods and innovative points; The second part is credit and credit archives, including the concept of credit, the concept and types of credit archives, the third part is the establishment of credit archives of Chinese college students, starting from the necessity and significance of establishing credit archives of college students. The fourth part is the management of the credit archives of Chinese college students, which starts with the macro and micro management of the credit archives of Chinese college students, and discusses the main contents and the ways of establishing the credit archives of Chinese college students, the fourth part of which is the management of the credit archives of Chinese college students. This paper discusses the utilization of college students' credit archives as a specific business link of micro-management, and expounds how to manage the university students' credit files. The fifth part is the problems and solutions in the establishment and management of Chinese college students' credit files. Generally speaking, the establishment of university students' credit archives is a complicated system project. We should adhere to the principle of "unified leadership, hierarchical management," and at the same time, the relevant departments of the state should establish and improve the system of laws and regulations on university students' credit archives. Ensure that the credit records of college students have laws to follow. According to the collection scope and appraisal standard of college students' credit files, the relevant workers can realize the scientific and effective management and accurate inquiry of university students' credit files by means of modern management methods, and realize the sharing of resources in the whole country.


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