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发布时间:2018-08-14 10:20
【摘要】:互联网技术的迅猛发展,深刻地影响了人们的生活方式和价值取向。尤其是当代大学生,他们作为中国网民的主要组成部分,同时也是较快接受新知识新事物的群体,他们的思想、观念、意识、情感等都被网络潜移默化地改变着。网络的发展给当代大学生带来了更为便捷的交流平台,也相应地成为了当代大学生表达自己爱国主义想法和情绪的首选渠道。近一二十年来,大学生网民通过网络集中表达爱国主义的事件频频发生,并逐渐从网上走到现实中去,对国家或者国际政治活动产生了一定程度的直接影响。 爱国主义自古以来就是我国的优良传统。在新的历史条件下,我们必须正视网络给大学生的信息互通和情感表达提供了便利的同时,却也不能避免自身的特性给大学生网络爱国主义的表达所带来的负面问题。近来频发的大学生网络爱国主义事件中,大多数大学生还是能够比较理性地表达爱国之情、发表爱国言论的,但我们也不得不正视其中一小部分大学生表现出的比较偏激、狭隘的个人看法和煽动性言论。这就给我们当代高校的爱国主义教育带来了不小的挑战。因此,在新的时代背景下如何引导大学生通过网络这个新兴的交流平台进行爱国主义的表达成为了迫在眉睫的问题。 据此,本文主要由以下几个部分组成: 第一章绪论部分主要介绍选题的研究意义和背景,以及相关的基本概念。在本章中,重点内容是相关概念的阐述以及对于历史上大学生爱国主义表现的回顾,这些概念涉及爱国主义的基本含义及其在新的时代背景下的内涵发展,爱国主义教育的涵义及重要性等等。 第二章是对当代大学生网络爱国主义相关内容的研究。本章分四个部分,第一部分解释了网络爱国主义这一概念和这个现象的发展过程;第二部分是分析了大学生网络爱国主义这一现象出现的原因;第三部分则分析了大学生网络爱国主义的具体特征;第四部分主要介绍了大学生网络爱国主义的表现方式。 第三章是本文的核心部分。这一章介绍了笔者对于大学生网络爱国主义的一些理性思考和具体引导的想法,分为两个部分。第一部分具体分析了当代大学生网络爱国主义存在的突出问题,第二部分则针对这些问题提出了笔者自己关于规范引导大学生网络爱国主义的实施建议。 当然,对于当代大学生的网络爱国主义的引导教育工作并非能一蹴而就的,并且,这也不是某一个单独的学校、政府或者社会力量仅凭一己之力就可以达成的,它需要全社会都给予高度的重视并积极参与进来。但是,随着我们对于这一新现象的重视度逐渐提高,以及越来越积极地对其进行必要的引导,大学生网民在网络上的爱国主义表达一定可以更加地理智。
[Abstract]:The rapid development of Internet technology has deeply influenced people's life style and value orientation. Especially the contemporary college students, as the main component of Chinese netizens, are also the group that accept the new knowledge and new things quickly. Their thoughts, ideas, consciousness, emotion and so on are all changed by the network imperceptibly. The development of the network has brought a more convenient communication platform for contemporary college students, and has accordingly become the preferred channel for contemporary college students to express their patriotic ideas and emotions. In the past ten or twenty years, the incidents of college student netizens expressing patriotism through the Internet frequently occur, and gradually go from the Internet to reality, which has a certain degree of direct impact on national or international political activities. Patriotism has been the fine tradition of our country since ancient times. Under the new historical conditions, we must face up to the fact that the network provides convenience for the exchange of information and emotional expression of college students, but at the same time, we can not avoid the negative problems brought by their own characteristics to the expression of network patriotism of college students. In the recent frequent incidents of network patriotism among college students, most college students are still able to express their patriotic feelings more rationally and make patriotic remarks. However, we also have to face up to the more extreme attitude shown by a small number of university students. Narrow personal views and inflammatory remarks. This brings not small challenge to the patriotism education of our contemporary colleges and universities. Therefore, under the new background, how to guide college students to express patriotism through the network as a new communication platform has become an urgent problem. According to this, this paper mainly consists of the following parts: the first chapter introduces the research significance and background of the topic, as well as the related basic concepts. In this chapter, the key content is the elaboration of related concepts and the review of the history of college students' patriotic performance. These concepts involve the basic meaning of patriotism and its connotation development in the new era. The meaning and importance of patriotism education and so on. The second chapter is the contemporary college students network patriotism related content research. This chapter is divided into four parts, the first part explains the concept of network patriotism and the development process of this phenomenon, the second part analyzes the reasons for the phenomenon of network patriotism of college students. The third part analyzes the characteristics of college students' network patriotism, the fourth part mainly introduces the expression of college students' network patriotism. The third chapter is the core part of this paper. This chapter introduces some rational thinking and concrete guiding ideas of college students'network patriotism, which is divided into two parts. The first part concretely analyzes the prominent problems existing in the contemporary college students' network patriotism, the second part puts forward the author's own suggestions on how to guide the college students' network patriotism in the light of these problems. Of course, the work of guiding and educating contemporary college students in network patriotism cannot be accomplished overnight, and this is not something that a single school, the government or social forces alone can achieve. It needs the whole society to give high attention and take an active part in it. However, as we pay more and more attention to this new phenomenon and guide it more and more actively, the patriotic expression of college students' netizens on the network must be more rational.


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