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发布时间:2018-08-15 13:08
【摘要】:面对竞争激烈的民办高校生存环境,品牌建设已成为民办高校适应外界教育环境变化的必然选择。民办高校必须深入分析自身品牌建设存在的问题和不足,清醒认识民办高校所处的生存状况,树立品牌意识、明确品牌定位、完善高校品牌UIS策略、丰富品牌传播途径,从而不断提升民办高校的知名度和美誉度。 要建立高校品牌,首先要充分了解高校品牌的内涵。本文先是对品牌相关理论进行了系统回顾和梳理。在此基础上,本文采取问卷调查、访谈等方式,对哈尔滨德强商务学院的品牌建设现状进行了全面介绍。同时,,认真分析了当前哈尔滨德强商务学院品牌建设中存在的问题和不足。针对这些问题,在对学院进行了目标市场定位和品牌定位的基础上,文章从品牌内涵、UIS设计、品牌传播等方面制定了学院品牌建设策略。最后,文章从品牌实施的组织保障、制度保障、资金保障及文化保障四个方面提出一些实施建议,以保障制定的品牌策略能够顺利的实施。 通过系统研究,本文对目前德强商务学院品牌建设现状做出了比较全面客观的诊断,阐明了德强商务学院品牌建设的原则及思路,并结合企业发展实际需要,提出了德强商务学院品牌建设的对策及方法。对于进一步搞好德强商务学院建设,提高核心竞争力具有一定的现实指导意义。
[Abstract]:In the face of fierce competition, brand building has become an inevitable choice for private colleges and universities to adapt to the changes in the external educational environment. Private colleges and universities must deeply analyze the problems and shortcomings of their own brand construction, soberly understand the living conditions of private colleges and universities, establish brand awareness, define brand positioning, perfect the strategy of brand UIS in colleges and universities, and enrich the ways of brand communication. In order to continuously improve the popularity and reputation of private colleges and universities. In order to establish university brand, we must fully understand the connotation of university brand. This article first carries on the systematic review and the combing to the brand correlation theory. On the basis of this, this paper introduces the brand construction of Harbin Deqiang Business College by questionnaire, interview and so on. At the same time, it analyzes the problems and shortcomings in the brand construction of Harbin Deqiang Business College. Aiming at these problems, on the basis of the target market orientation and brand positioning of the college, this paper formulates the brand construction strategy of the college from the aspects of brand connotation design, brand communication and so on. Finally, the paper puts forward some suggestions from four aspects of brand implementation, such as organization guarantee, system guarantee, fund guarantee and cultural guarantee, in order to ensure the successful implementation of the brand strategy. Through systematic research, this paper makes a relatively comprehensive and objective diagnosis of the current situation of brand construction in Deqiang Business College, clarifies the principles and ideas of the brand construction of Deqiang Business College, and combines with the actual needs of enterprise development. This paper puts forward the countermeasures and methods of brand construction in Deqiang Business College. It is of practical significance to further improve the construction of Del-Qiang Business College and improve its core competitiveness.


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