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发布时间:2018-08-15 14:02
【摘要】:期望——感知差距理论是服务管理学中一种经典的差距分析模型,主要用以根据客户对服务的期望与实际感知信息来测量服务质量的好坏优劣。该理论的核心是SERVQUAL模型,该模型从1988年诞生以来以其强大的问题诊断功能被众多服务管理者青睐。包括高等教育领域的众多行业都应用该模型来评价自身的服务质量。现如今,旅游管理本科教育规模日益扩大,旅游管理本科教学质量问题也随之凸显。一般的旅游管理本科教学质量评价重视国家、社会及学校本身,而忽视了学生的满意度测评。因此,有必要从学生需求的角度对旅游管理本科教学质量评价做一些尝试性的探索研究。 本文的研究目标是将SERVQUAL模型用于旅游管理本科教学质量诊断,继而为有针对性地提高旅游管理本科教学质量服务。通过专家访谈法和数据统计分析构建旅游管理本科教学质量SERVQUAL模型和量表。然后选取辽宁某高校旅游管理本科学生为样本展开实证研究。通过问卷调查对所获得的数据进行信度分析和统计,从而对样本校旅游管理本科教学中出现的问题进行诊断。最后根据IPA理论构建旅游管理本科教学期望——感知矩阵,从而确定该校旅游管理本科教学质量问题改进的优先次序。 本文最终得出以下结论,倾向于形成性评价的SERVQUAL模型在应用于旅游管理本科教学质量评价时,,能与倾向于终结性评价的国家本科教学工作水平评估互为补充,具有很强的实用性。在应用SERVQUAL模型时还要注意以下三点:1.明确SERVQUAL模型的适用性。2.SERVQUAL模型的适切性修订。3.SERVQUAL模型与IPA矩阵的关联程度。
[Abstract]:Expectation-perception gap theory is a classical gap analysis model in service management, which is mainly used to measure the quality of service according to the customer's expectation of service and actual perceived information. The core of the theory is the SERVQUAL model, which has been favored by many service managers for its powerful problem diagnosis function since its birth in 1988. Many industries, including higher education, use the model to evaluate their service quality. Nowadays, the scale of undergraduate education in tourism management is expanding day by day, and the quality of undergraduate education in tourism management is also highlighted. The general evaluation of undergraduate teaching quality in tourism management attaches importance to the state, society and the school itself, but neglects the evaluation of students' satisfaction. Therefore, it is necessary to do some tentative research on the evaluation of undergraduate teaching quality of tourism management from the point of view of students' needs. The purpose of this paper is to apply the SERVQUAL model to the diagnosis of undergraduate teaching quality in tourism management, and then to serve the purpose of improving the teaching quality of tourism management undergraduate courses. The SERVQUAL model and scale of undergraduate teaching quality of tourism management were constructed by expert interview and statistical analysis. Then selected a university tourism management undergraduate students as a sample to carry out an empirical study. Through the reliability analysis and statistics of the data obtained by questionnaire, the problems in the undergraduate teaching of tourism management in the sample school are diagnosed. Finally, according to the IPA theory, the expectation and perception matrix of tourism management undergraduate teaching is constructed, and the priority order of improving the teaching quality of tourism management undergraduate course is determined. Finally, this paper draws the following conclusions: the SERVQUAL model, which tends to be formative evaluation, can complement the national undergraduate teaching level evaluation which tends to summative evaluation when it is applied to the evaluation of tourism management undergraduate teaching quality. It has strong practicability. When applying the SERVQUAL model, note the following three points: 1. The applicability of SERVQUAL model. 2. The relevance of SERVQUAL model. 3. The correlation degree between SERVQUAL model and IPA matrix.


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