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发布时间:2018-08-18 08:42
【摘要】:20世纪下半叶的美国基础教育经历了两次大的变革。一次受50年代苏联人造卫星上天的影响,美国各界在反思教育问题的过程中开始了基于“新传统主义”的第一次改革。进入80年代,受里根政府通过教育保证国家霸权发展战略的影响,美国的基础教育展开了第二场声势浩大的“学业优异”导向的基础教育改革。 基础教育改革关键在教师,在对教师培养的问题上,,美国联邦政府、州政府、综合大学教育学院教员、文理学院和学术系教员、中小学校长和行政管理人员以及中小学一线教师都各有看法;教育领域之外的社会学家、政治家、心理学家、经济学家等也都意见不一。通过对关于美国教师教育著作、教师教育机构、基金会的研究报告以及政府部门的教师教育改革政策文本分析。美国的教师教育思想呈现出三种认知理性:学科-知识理性,专业-实践和社会-价值理性。三种认知逻辑试图回答好这样的三种问题:教师应学习什么知识?教师该如何教学?谁的知识更有价值?问题的回答中三种理性也出现了一些争论:在教学究竟是专业还是艺术的争论中,学科-知识理性和专业-实践理性的教师教育思想呈现出了不同的教师观和教师教育观。社会-价值理性则更注重把学校和教师看成是社会价值的承载者,把学校和教师当成是推动社会变革的力量。 纵观20世纪下半叶美国教师教育三种不同认知理性的自身发展,可以看出教师教育认知理性对于教学研究和教师教育研究其解释路径发生的转变。学科-知识理性从重视教师知识的学术性发展到对专业-实践理性的解制;专业-实践理性从受实证主义影响唯科学主义的解释路径发展到了后现代思潮影响下的理论和实践并进的解释道路;社会-价值理性始终站在批判的立场上解释学校、教师和教师教育,只是80年代以后的社会-价值理性教师教育思想更呈现出一种与整个教师教育“融合”的趋势。正是在横向的争论与依附中和受不同教育思潮以及社会发展背景的影响所引起的纵向发展中,美国20世纪下半叶的教师教育思想呈现出了“百家争鸣”的特点。同时,本文在观察20世纪下半叶美国教师教育思想演进的基础上,对教师教育的学科建设、文化机制建设、和机构制度化建设形成了相关反思,以图教师教育的可持续发展。
[Abstract]:In the second half of the 20 th century, American basic education experienced two great changes. Influenced by the Soviet satellite in the 1950s, American people began the first reform based on "neo-traditionalism" in the process of rethinking the educational problem. In the 1980s, under the influence of the Reagan Administration's strategy of ensuring the development of national hegemony through education, the American basic education carried out the second "academic excellence" oriented basic education reform. The key to the reform of basic education lies in teachers. In terms of teacher training, the federal government, state governments, faculty members of the College of Education of Comprehensive Universities, faculty of arts and science and academic faculty, Principals and administrators of primary and secondary schools and teachers on the front line of primary and secondary schools have different opinions. Sociologists, politicians, psychologists, economists and so on outside the field of education also disagree. Through the analysis of works on teacher education in the United States, teacher education institutions, research reports by foundations, and text analysis of government departments' teacher education reform policies. There are three kinds of cognitive rationality in American teachers' educational thought: subject-knowledge rationality, professional-practice and social-value rationality. Three cognitive logic attempts to answer three questions: what should a teacher learn? How should a teacher teach? Whose knowledge is more valuable? There are also some controversies among the three kinds of rationality in the answer to the question: in the debate on whether teaching is a major or an art, the subject-knowledge rationality and the professional-practical rationality of teacher's educational thought present different views on teachers' education and teachers' education. On the other hand, social-value rationality regards schools and teachers as carriers of social values and schools and teachers as forces to promote social change. Looking at the development of three different cognitive rationality in American teacher education in the second half of the 20th century, it can be seen that cognitive rationality of teacher education has changed the explanation path of teaching research and teacher education research. The subject-knowledge rationality has developed from attaching importance to the academic nature of teachers' knowledge to the deconstruction of professional-practical rationality; Professional-practical rationality has developed from the path of scientism under the influence of positivism to that of theory and practice under the influence of postmodernism, and social-value rationality has always interpreted the school from a critical standpoint. Teachers' and teacher's education, but the social-value rational teacher's education thought after 1980's, presents a trend of "fusion" with the whole teacher education. It is in the horizontal debate and attachment and the vertical development caused by different educational trends and social development backgrounds that the American teachers' education thought in the second half of the 20th century shows the characteristic of "a hundred schools of thought contend". At the same time, on the basis of observing the evolution of American teacher education thought in the second half of the 20th century, this paper reflects on the discipline construction, the construction of cultural mechanism and the institutionalization of teacher education in order to achieve the sustainable development of teacher education.


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