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发布时间:2018-08-19 14:20
【摘要】:马克思主义“灌输论"科学阐明了马克思主义产生和传播的一般规律,产生于革命实践中并经过了革命实践的检验,是马克思主义思想理论教育的基础理论,为无产阶级政党开展思想理论教育提供了重要的理论依据。 本文主要从以下几个方面来对“灌输论”进行论述。首先,对“灌输论”的发展脉络进行梳理,明确“灌输论”的思想源流,“灌输论”之所以成为马克思主义的著名原理,正是一代又一代马克思主义者不懈努力奋斗的结果,马克思与恩格斯的相关论述是“灌输论”产生的思想源头,考茨基对“灌输论”进行了进一步的发挥与论述,列宁在新的历史条件下,进行了理论创造,形成了科学系统的“灌输论”的理论形态,并把“灌输论”引入思想政治工作领域,后来被中国共产党人继承下来并逐渐发展成为我国思想政治教育的基础理论。其次,针对当前学界对思想政治教育“灌输论”的争议进行论述,主要有,“灌输论”是原则还是方法之争;“灌输论”在高校思想政治教育中的运用是否带有强制性;“灌输论”在当前高校思想政治教育中是否还有价值,这是争议中的焦点,本文较为详细地阐释了马克思主义灌输的时代价值,进一步表明,目前高校思想政治教育“灌输论”之所以遭遇到众多争议,主要是因为“灌输论”在现时代的发展中出现了些许问题,“灌输论”与当代大学生自身需求发展出现冲突,其内容、方法和形式不能适应时代的发展,灌输教育的创新与继续发展成为了我们当下面临的重大课题。本文最后简要论述了高校思想政治“灌输”教育之创新,“灌输”教育载体的创新;灌输教学法方法的创新;大力提升高校思想政治灌输教育者的综合素质。
[Abstract]:The "indoctrination theory" of Marxism scientifically clarifies the general law of the emergence and spread of Marxism, and it is the basic theory of Marxist ideological and theoretical education, which is derived from and tested by revolutionary practice. It provides an important theoretical basis for the proletarian party to carry out ideological and theoretical education. This article mainly discusses the theory of indoctrination from the following aspects. First of all, the development of "indoctrination theory" is combed, and the origin of "indoctrination theory" is clear. The reason why "indoctrination theory" has become the famous principle of Marxism is the result of the unremitting efforts of generations of Marxists. Marx and Engels' related exposition is the source of the thought of "indoctrination theory". Kautsky gave further play to "indoctrination theory" and Lenin created the theory under the new historical conditions. It formed the theoretical form of "indoctrination theory" in scientific system, and introduced "indoctrination theory" into the field of ideological and political work. Later, it was inherited by the Chinese Communists and gradually developed into the basic theory of ideological and political education in our country. Secondly, this paper discusses the controversy of ideological and political education "indoctrination theory" in the current academic circles, mainly including: whether "indoctrination theory" is a principle or method, whether the application of "indoctrination theory" in the ideological and political education in colleges and universities is mandatory or not; Whether the "indoctrination theory" is still valuable in the ideological and political education in colleges and universities is the focus of the controversy. This paper explains in detail the contemporary value of Marxism inculcation, and further shows that, At present, the reason why the "indoctrination theory" of ideological and political education in colleges and universities is met with many controversies is mainly because there are some problems in the development of the "indoctrination theory" in the present era, and the "indoctrination theory" conflicts with the development of contemporary college students' own needs. Its contents, methods and forms can not adapt to the development of the times. At last, this paper briefly discusses the innovation of "inculcating" education, the innovation of "inculcating" educational carrier, the innovation of inculcating teaching method, and the promotion of the comprehensive quality of ideological and political indoctrinating educators in colleges and universities.


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