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发布时间:2018-08-20 08:50
【摘要】:自二十一世纪以来,独立学院作为高等教育新的办学模式,已经成为我国教育事业重要的组成部分。如何进行质量建设,提高办学质量,是我国独立学院面临的一个重要挑战。提高办学质量,就需要建立有效的人力资源激励机制,以最大限度的提高人力资源的积极性。为了达到这个目标,就需要满足他们的需求、提高其工作的积极性,引导他们不断创新,只有这样才能提高教学质量,实现教育目的。 本文以我国独立学院人力资源激励机制为研究主题,首先介绍了研究的背景和意义,研究的内容和方法,及与论文相关的激励理论。然后对我国独立学院人力资源激励机制的现状与问题进行了分析,目前独立学院激励机制存在的问题有:薪酬体系缺少激励性;绩效考核机制不科学;培训激励措施不够;激励方式单一,注意短期激励,忽视职业生涯长期激励等,导致激励机制运行不畅,效率不高。最后,遵循激励机制建立的原则,参照马斯洛的需求层次论、赫兹伯格的双因素理论和弗鲁姆的期望理论,提出了完善我国独立学院人力资源管理激励机制模式的对策。对策建议有:建立“以人为本”的大学文化,建立文化激励机制;完善培训激励机制,加强对人力资本的投入和开发;建立科学、合理的绩效考核激励机制;建立丰富有竞争力的宽带薪酬激励机制;加强对年轻教师的职业生涯管理。本文认为,要提高人力资源的工作积极性,需要建立一套适合独立学院自身实际、操作性强的人力资源激励机制体系,只有这样才能实现“优才优用,优劳优酬”,使优秀人才尽快成长并充分发挥他们的才干。
[Abstract]:Since 21 century, as a new mode of running higher education, independent college has become an important part of education in our country. How to carry out quality construction and improve the quality of running a school is an important challenge faced by independent colleges in China. To improve the quality of running a school, it is necessary to establish an effective human resource incentive mechanism to maximize the enthusiasm of human resources. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to meet their needs, improve their enthusiasm for work and guide them to innovate constantly. Only in this way can the quality of teaching be improved and the aim of education realized. This paper takes the human resource incentive mechanism of independent colleges in China as the research topic. Firstly, it introduces the background and significance of the research, the contents and methods of the research, and the incentive theory related to the paper. Then it analyzes the current situation and problems of human resource incentive mechanism in independent colleges in China. At present, the problems of incentive mechanism in independent colleges are: lack of incentive in salary system, unscientific performance appraisal mechanism, insufficient incentive measures in training; Single incentive mode, pay attention to short-term incentive, neglect career long-term incentive, etc., resulting in the mechanism of incentive operation is not smooth, efficiency is not high. Finally, in accordance with the principle of establishing incentive mechanism, referring to Maslow's hierarchy of demand theory, Herzberg's two-factor theory and Fromm's expectation theory, the author puts forward some countermeasures to perfect the incentive mechanism model of human resources management in independent colleges in China. The countermeasures and suggestions are as follows: establishing "people-oriented" university culture, establishing cultural incentive mechanism, perfecting training incentive mechanism, strengthening investment and development of human capital, establishing scientific and reasonable performance appraisal incentive mechanism; Establish a competitive broadband salary incentive system and strengthen career management for young teachers. This paper holds that in order to improve the enthusiasm of human resources, it is necessary to set up a set of human resource incentive mechanism system which is suitable for the actual situation and strong operation of independent colleges. Only in this way can we realize "excellent use, excellent labor and good pay". Make excellent talents grow as soon as possible and give full play to their talents.


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