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发布时间:2018-08-20 11:03
【摘要】:2008年全国普通高校毕业生总人数达559万,比2007年增加64万人,2009年全国普通高校毕业生毕业生人数达到611万,比2008年增加52万,同比增幅达9.3%。2010年、2011年两年的全国普通高校毕业生总人数分别是631万和660万人,而2012年全国普通高校毕业生总人数将创历史新高达到680万人。2011届大学生毕业半年后的就业率为90.2%,国家统计局调查表示,在求职中,大约有78%的女大学生遭到性别歧视,甚至超过33%的女生直接被拒在大门外。在同等情况下,男生的求职成功率高出女生10个百分点。2011年未能落实单位的毕业生中,近7成是女生。同时,女大学生的就业质量也明显低于男生。近十年来,全国高校连续扩大招生规模,大学毕业生们面临比以往更为严峻的就业挑战,而整体就业呈现供大于求的格局,,使女大学生就业更是如履薄冰。因此,女大学生就业问题已成为社会各界普遍关注的焦点。在立足于中国现状的前提下,深刻挖掘在求职中的女生面临的困境,对女大学生的思想进行深刻剖析,可以全面掌握供求关系中存在的问题,对女大学生的就业提供正确的前进方向,进一步缓解我国面临的巨大就业压力,同时可以丰富我国关于就业的研究数据和现实案例,使女大学生可以在工作中实现自身的价值,推动国家经济的发展;有利于促进我国教育事业的发展,提高我国人力资源配置的效率;可以更加实际的反映国情和现状,为政策的制定提供科学的依据,有利于社会的长治久安。 本文的调查结果是通过运用SPSS整理、分析2012年5月—10月对河北省女大学毕业生的问卷调查数据而得来的。此次调查采用随机抽样的方式,在河北省调查了四所重点院校:河北农业大学、衡水学院、河北科技大学、河北医科大学以及北京交通大学、大连理工大学河北籍女大学毕业生;调查对象为2011、2012届大学毕业生,包括本科生、专科生和研究生,采用了文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等研究方法,在现状阐述的基础上,着重从国家政策、学校教育、用人单位、家庭、自身五个方面分析了女大学毕业生就业难的成因,针对这些复杂的情况和问题,提出了解决女大学生就业难的相应措施,以此加强女大学生思想政治教育,帮助女大学生树立正确的择业观和价值观,促进社会主义事业的健康发展和和谐社会的建立。
[Abstract]:In 2008, the total number of ordinary college graduates reached 5.59 million, an increase of 640000 compared with 2007. In 2009, the number of ordinary college graduates reached 6.11 million, an increase of 520000 over 2008. The year-on-year increase was 9.3% in 2010, and the total number of college graduates in 2011 and 2011 was 63 million and 6.6 million, respectively. In 2012, the total number of ordinary college graduates across the country will reach a record high of 6.8 million. The employment rate of the class of students in the class of 2011 will be 90.2half a year after graduation. According to a survey by the National Bureau of Statistics, about 78 percent of female college students are subjected to gender discrimination in their job search. Even more than 33 percent of girls are directly excluded from the gate. In the same situation, the success rate of male applicants was 10 percentage points higher than that of girls. Nearly 70% of the graduates who failed to implement the unit in 2011 were women. Meanwhile, the employment quality of female college students is obviously lower than that of male students. In the past ten years, colleges and universities in China have continuously expanded the enrollment scale, and college graduates are facing more severe employment challenges than ever before, and the overall employment situation presents a pattern of oversupply, which makes the employment of female college students even more on thin ice. Therefore, the employment of female college students has become the focus of attention. On the premise of being based on the present situation in China, we can dig deeply into the dilemma faced by the female students in the process of seeking jobs, and deeply analyze the thinking of the female college students, so that we can grasp the problems existing in the relationship between supply and demand in an all-round way. To provide the correct direction for the employment of female college students, further alleviate the enormous employment pressure that our country faces, at the same time can enrich the research data and realistic cases of employment in our country, so that the female college students can realize their own value in the work. To promote the development of the national economy; to promote the development of educational undertakings in China and to improve the efficiency of the allocation of human resources in our country; to more realistically reflect the national conditions and the present situation, and to provide a scientific basis for the formulation of policies. It is good for the long-term stability of society. The results of this paper are obtained by using SPSS to analyze the questionnaire data of female university graduates in Hebei province from May to October 2012. The survey used random sampling to investigate four key universities in Hebei Province: Hebei Agricultural University, Hengshui University, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Hebei Medical University and Beijing Jiaotong University. Dalian University of Science and Technology graduated from Hebei female University of Science and Technology. The subjects of the survey were the 2012 graduates of Dalian University of Science and Technology, including undergraduates, junior college students and graduate students. They used the methods of literature, interviews, questionnaires, mathematical statistics, etc. On the basis of the exposition of the present situation, this paper analyzes the causes of the employment difficulties of female college graduates from five aspects of national policy, school education, employing unit, family and themselves, aiming at these complicated situations and problems. This paper puts forward the corresponding measures to solve the employment difficulties of female college students, so as to strengthen the ideological and political education of female college students, help them to set up the correct outlook on employment and values, and promote the healthy development of socialist cause and the establishment of a harmonious society.


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