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发布时间:2018-08-22 11:02
【摘要】:在我国的高等教育进入了大众化的背景下,高等教育的非义务性质得到了突出强调,高校收费实行成本分担制,再加上我国社会经济发展不平衡,高校中出现了一批当代社会中的弱势群体——高校贫困生。贫困生成为高校学生中不可忽视的一个特殊群体。寒门学子们相信知识改变命运,可当他们千辛万苦跃过龙门后,却发现随之而来的是沉重的学杂费负担及窘迫的生活处境。因此,贫困生工作成为高校学生工作的一个心结。贫困生的工作触及人性,涉及爱心、诚信。因此,高校贫困生的问题成为高校和思想政治教育普遍关注的一项理论和实践课题。 目前,,高校贫困生问题虽然得到了学术界的高度关注,但研究的着眼点大多力求完善贫困生资助政策,或旨在加强贫困生思想政治和心理健康教育。本文从伦理学、心理学和思想政治教育交叉的视角,对高校贫困生伦理关怀进行研究,旨在使伦理关怀能够渗透到高校贫困生的管理和思想政治教育之中,促进学生健康成长,顺利完成学业,全面发展,成为祖国需要的栋梁之材。 本文综合运用了历史分析法、文献资料法和辩证分析法等研究方法,以期较为全面地、详尽地阐述问题。在框架结构和主体内容上,本文分为以下四大部分。 第一部分,阐述了高校贫困生及其伦理关怀的意义。高校贫困生在整体上有以下几个主要特点:第一,高校贫困生的规模逐年扩大;第二,高校贫困生来源具有明显的地域性;第三,高校贫困生的伦理问题日益凸显。原因包括:社会转型因素、家庭因素以及贫困生自身的因素。因此,高校贫困生伦理关怀具有重要意义:其一,注重伦理关怀是构建和谐校园的客观需要。其二,注重伦理关怀是我国大学德育的客观需要。其三,有助于高校贫困生健康成才。 第二部分,分析了高校贫困生伦理关怀存在的问题及产生原因。高校贫困生伦理关怀存在的问题主要有三方面:价值取向,感恩意识,诚信意识。高校贫困生伦理关怀问题产生原因有政府、社会、学校及个人等层面。政府控制教育资源分配不均导致高校贫困生伦理关怀问题。学校的物质环境为高校学生的成长提供了现实基础。然而,大多数高校贫困生来自经济欠发达的地区或家庭,经济的困境和教育资源的欠缺使他们无法充分运用好学校所提供的现代化教学设施,也无力承担学习所需的相关设备。个体因素主要是来自贫困生自身的精神贫困。 第三部分,总结了高校贫困生伦理关怀的内容、原则和价值目标。高校贫困生伦理关怀的内容包括物质、精神、心理和道德等几个方面。所谓道德原则,是一定社会关系和利益的根本要求和集中反映。主要包括:以人为本原则。而高校坚持以人为本,就要坚持以学生为本,我们在严格要求学生的同时也要热爱、尊重、关心他们,更要帮助他们解决实际问题。仁爱至上原则,人道主义原则以及公平发展原则。与此同时,高校贫困生伦理关怀的价值目标有三个:基始价值目标是道德情感的精神激励,核心价值目标是完善人的道德人格,终极价值目标是实现人的全面发展。 第四部分,归纳了高校贫困生伦理关怀的实施途径。从伦理关怀的角度对待高校贫困生问题,是一项复杂的社会系统工程,需要政府、社会、学校及贫困生自身的相互协作,密切配合,实现身心健康成长。其一,政府是实施高校贫困生伦理关怀的有力后盾。其二,社会是开展高校贫困生伦理关怀的必要依托。要挖掘凝聚社会的资助力度,营造良好助学的社会环境,加强社会维度的保障作用,实现育人成才的教育目的。其三,学校是落实高校贫困生伦理关怀的重要阵地。需要切实加强机构队伍建设,充分发挥高校资助激励效能,同时,适时加强心理健康指导,并积极推进教育教学改革。其四,贫困生个体是完善高校贫困生伦理关怀的关键环节。学生自身主动融入学校生活,进行自我心理调适,成立学生互助组织,还要突出自我转化意识。
[Abstract]:Under the background of the popularization of higher education in China, the non-compulsory nature of higher education has been highlighted. The cost-sharing system of higher education fees, coupled with the imbalance of social and economic development in China, has resulted in the emergence of a group of disadvantaged groups in the contemporary society - Poor College students. The poor students believe that knowledge can change their destiny, but when they leap through the Dragon gate, they find that the heavy burden of tuition and miscellaneous expenses and the embarrassing living situation follow. Therefore, the work of poor students has become a knot in the work of College students. The work of poor students touches human nature, involves love and honesty. Therefore, the problem of impoverished students in Colleges and universities has become a theoretical and practical topic of general concern to colleges and universities and ideological and political education.
At present, although the problem of poor college students has been highly concerned by academia, most of the research focuses on perfecting the subsidy policy for poor students, or on strengthening the ideological and psychological health education for poor students. In order to make ethical care permeate into the management and ideological and political education of poor college students, promote the healthy growth of students, successfully complete their studies and develop in an all-round way, become the backbone of the motherland needs.
This paper makes a comprehensive use of the methods of historical analysis, documentary analysis and dialectical analysis in order to expound the problems in a more comprehensive and detailed way.
The first part elaborates the significance of poor college students and their ethical care. Poor college students as a whole have the following main characteristics: firstly, the scale of poor college students is expanding year by year; secondly, the sources of poor college students have obvious regionality; thirdly, the ethical problems of poor college students are increasingly prominent. The reasons include: social transformation. Therefore, it is of great significance to pay attention to ethical care for poor college students. Firstly, it is the objective need to build a harmonious campus. Secondly, it is the objective need of moral education in China's universities.
The second part analyzes the problems and causes of ethical care for poor college students. There are three main problems in ethical care for poor college students: value orientation, gratitude consciousness and honesty consciousness. The material environment of the school provides a realistic basis for the growth of College students. However, most of the poor college students come from underdeveloped areas or families. The economic difficulties and the lack of educational resources make them unable to fully utilize the modern teaching facilities provided by the school. The main factor is the mental poverty of the poor students themselves.
The third part summarizes the contents, principles and value goals of ethical care for impoverished college students. The contents of ethical care for impoverished college students include material, spiritual, psychological and moral aspects. People-oriented, we must adhere to the student-oriented, we strictly require students at the same time to love, respect, care for them, but also to help them solve practical problems. The core value goal of moral emotional spiritual incentive is to perfect the moral personality of human beings, and the ultimate value goal is to realize the all-round development of human beings.
The fourth part sums up the implementation ways of ethical care for poor college students.It is a complicated social system project to treat the problem of poor college students from the perspective of ethical care.It needs the cooperation and close cooperation of the government, society, schools and poor students themselves to realize the healthy growth of body and mind.First, the government is to implement ethical care for poor college students. Secondly, the society is the necessary support for developing the ethical care for the poor students in Colleges and universities. It is necessary to excavate the strength of social support, create a good social environment for assisting students, strengthen the safeguard role of social dimension, and realize the educational purpose of educating and cultivating talents. Thirdly, the school is an important position for implementing the ethical care for the poor students in Colleges and universities. Fourthly, the individual poor students are the key link to improve the ethical care of poor college students. Also highlight the sense of self transformation.


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